Also: it looks like I might have copies of DUTIES available at Fright Reads! Which will be nice, if it happens. Obviously, I’ll have TINSEL RAIN there, too. Still trying to decide if I’m going to offer any particular sales there. After all, I’m pricing my books pretty cheaply now…
Tag: fright reads
In the Mail: The Author’s Proof of DUTIES.
Faster than I expected, honestly. Fast enough that I’m wondering if I can have DUTIES ready for Fright Reads after all. It’d be tight, but depending on when I have this book published…
Doing a panel at Fright Reads!
Details aren’t finalized, yet, but I’ll be one of four people on a panel at Fright Reads on October 1st (12-6 PM Benfield Sportscenter, Millersville, MD). We’ll be talking about what it’s like to publish; I don’t know if the others are going to be concentrating on self-publishing, but that’s what I’m doing to be talking about. I’ve been doing it for a couple of years at this point, so I have some idea on how the whole thing goes.
If you can’t wait for that, buy my books now!
Tickets on sale for Fright Reads!
Five bucks! October 1st, 12-6 PM. Tickets can be bought here. I will be there, and probably will be square. The state of squareness is an inevitable by-product of growing older.
Book vending schedule, 2022.
This is so far:
- Balticon (May 28-30). The convention starts Friday, but I’ll be there Saturday. Probably will commute, because the hotel’s expensive and it’s an easy drive for me.
- Galactic Con (tentative) (June 11). This one is a day-trip, and I haven’t gotten it confirmed yet. Hoping to have TINSEL RAIN published at that point, but I probably won’t have the print books.
- Fright Reads (October 1). Will have TINSEL RAIN in print by then! Hopefully. Maybe other stuff.
As you can see, I have room in the schedule for July-September. I’ll be keeping an eye out for other prospective vending venues.
I think I’m ready for @FrightReads tomorrow.
Books packed up, gear collected, printouts updated and printed. All I have to do tomorrow is load up the car and then I can go. Hopefully I’ll be selling some books, too!
Here’s the link to Fright Reads, on the off chance that you haven’t seen it ten million times by now already. Sorry, but the algorithm is a harsh mistress.
@FrightReads is in two days!
I’ll be at Fright Reads Saturday, and doing a thing at 2 PM. Check out my books if you can’t make it then!
Reminder: I’ll be at the @FrightReads book festival on Saturday!
Fright Reads will be at Severna Park, MD this year (October 2nd, 12-6 PM). I will there with signed copies of all my books, including my new novel MORGAN BAROD and chapbook DECISIONS. Stop by, say hi, and buy, buy, buy!
I have physical copies of DECISIONS to sell at @FrightReads!
This is good, because Fright Reads in October is primarily a horror/spooky book show. Oh, fantasy authors are welcome, too, but I want to have my chapbooks on call and ready to be sold. DECISIONS isn’t as flat-out horrific as REVISIONARY was, but I’m pleased by how the Mythos story in it came out. Hopefully I’ll be in a position to move some product next month.
Moe Lane
PS: MORGAN BAROD should be available, too, but those books aren’t coming until next week.
I’ll be doing a panel of some kind at @FrightReads!
They asked for authors to sign up for some slots to talk about their books; I am — oddly enough! — an author now*; so I will be blathering on for a half hour about my stuff. This would be on October 2nd, at the Fright Reads book fair in Severna Park, Maryland. If you can’t make it or can’t wait, buy my books now!
*It’d be nice if there was some kind of pin, honestly. Even a 10% off at the Staples frequent-publishing card.