I have physical copies of DECISIONS to sell at @FrightReads!


This is good, because Fright Reads in October is primarily a horror/spooky book show. Oh, fantasy authors are welcome, too, but I want to have my chapbooks on call and ready to be sold. DECISIONS isn’t as flat-out horrific as REVISIONARY was, but I’m pleased by how the Mythos story in it came out. Hopefully I’ll be in a position to move some product next month.

Moe Lane

PS: MORGAN BAROD should be available, too, but those books aren’t coming until next week.

I’ll be doing a panel of some kind at @FrightReads!

They asked for authors to sign up for some slots to talk about their books; I am — oddly enough! — an author now*; so I will be blathering on for a half hour about my stuff. This would be on October 2nd, at the Fright Reads book fair in Severna Park, Maryland. If you can’t make it or can’t wait, buy my books now!

*It’d be nice if there was some kind of pin, honestly. Even a 10% off at the Staples frequent-publishing card.

Remember: I’ll be at Fright Reads on October 2nd!

Save the date:

  • October 2nd, 2021
  • 12 PM-6 PM
  • Severna Park Community Center
  • 623 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd.
  • Severna Park, MD 21146

There’s a bunch of other writers who will be at the Fright Reads book fair so stop on by! If you already have one of my books, bring it along and I’ll sign it: I also should have print copies of MORGAN BAROD and DECISIONS available. I look forward to seeing people there!

…And selling books, obviously. Money is always nice. It lets me make more books to sell.