06/24/2020 Report, FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter.

I’ve been dealing with indigestion all day – not that any of you asked and/or particularly wanted to know – but I did manage to get the first pass of copy-editing done on the last of the short stories. The next step to look at the suggested structural edits, decide which ones I agree with, and make the requisite changes. After that I can do another pass-through and then prep the short story sampler for distribution. I’m debating whether to make it available on Amazon for 99 cents or something. There’s not going to be any art and it’s only six stories.

Other than that, not much today. Although doing edits isn’t ‘not much,’ sure. But it’s been quiet. And faintly bilious. Sorry, yeah, I’m over-sharing again.

Moe Lane

Like FROZEN DREAMS? Leave an honest review! Here and here!

I’m Going to be on #TEMS today to talk about FROZEN DREAMS.

[UPDATE: All done! Hope that sounded all right.]

[Further UPDATES: also got links from Instapundit – and According to Hoyt, a couple of days ago. There are more book suggestions at that second link, so check ’em out.]

Ed Morrissey and I go way back, as many of you know: and he’s doing me the solid of having me on The Ed Morrissey Show at around 4:40 PM Eastern to talk about FROZEN DREAMS. …This is kind of weird, folks. I haven’t done an interview in forever, and when I did I was usually doing it from the other side. I hope I won’t sound like a blithering idiot!

I better get some water…

06/22/2020 Report, FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter.

Infrastructure today: first off, I did the edits for another story for the sampler. I’m going to try to do the last two tomorrow, then I can figure out what structural edits to make, then I guess I put the whole thing into one collection and go from there. I’d like to check this one off of the list.

The other major thing was a layout/brainstorming gig for the RPG worldbook. I sat down with my wife – she is also a gamer; yes, it is quite unfair how lucky I am – and we just tossed out all the stuff I’d need to put in the book, considering the page count. Right now I’m contemplating about 48 pages, which is not enough for a standalone game. Then again, it’s not supposed to be a standalone: you’ll be playing this sucker with another GUMSHOE ruleset. A full standalone game… will probably be another Kickstarter, in 2021, because I don’t have the budget for that kind of staff. But for right now we’re just going to get this version out the door.

That’s mostly it. Oh, and my usual exhortation to get all your friends to buy the book, of course. And to have them leave reviews afterward.

Continue reading 06/22/2020 Report, FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter.

Happy Father’s Day! I’m a dad, buy my book!

Au contraire: I am absolutely living up to the ideals of this holiday. As a father myself I am perfectly allowed to say that FROZEN DREAMS is a wonderful Father’s Day gift. As for my own father; well, I have this sudden vision of him up in Heaven taking a drag off of his unfiltered Camel and yelling “BUY HIS BOOK, YOU RAT BASTARDS!” before he gets back to watching hockey*.

So there you go. I’m covered, either way.

Moe Lane

Continue reading Happy Father’s Day! I’m a dad, buy my book!

FROZEN DREAMS: eligible for the 2020 Dragon Awards!

With a month to spare, mind you. Anyway, FROZEN DREAMS certainly qualifies in terms of subject matter, and since I fully expect Dragon Con to be canceled anyway signing up for the Dragon Awards is is how I avoid being forsworn. If you’ve read the book, and if you think it deserves a Dragon Award, click the link and vote for me*.

Continue reading FROZEN DREAMS: eligible for the 2020 Dragon Awards!

FROZEN DREAMS now available in paperback!

Word came down this morning: author copies have already been ordered. I am in a good place to get that part of the Kickstarter fulfilled by the end of July (books need to be signed, lettered, and mailed out), but I won’t really relax about that until the books are out. God help me if there was something I missed.

I’ve also done some other fiddling that isn’t live yet. Amazon chewed on some metrics and decided that FROZEN DREAMS‘ Kindle price was too high; I glared at Amazon… until I went through my spreadsheets again, and discovered that Past Me had calculated a price that was smaller than what I had ended up putting up. So I sheepishly apologized to Amazon and reduced the Kindle price to $2.99. I’m sure it’ll update eventually.

06/17/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS (I hit the publish button for the paperback).

Got the proof copy back from the final proofreader, complete with sticky notes a go-go. The notes have been saved, and the manuscript re-uploaded. After it processes, I look at it again in the Amazon previewer, and if everything works… I hit publish?

…Annnnnnd I hit ‘publish.’ It will take up to 72 hours to go live as a paperback, but! Assuming nothing goes wrong, I will have physical books to sell by next week. In the meantime, the Kindle edition is still up and running.

The days of the Backerkit Pre-order store are numbered.

I’m debating whether or not to shut it down completely when the paperback version of FROZEN DREAMS is in print, or wait until at least the audiobook is ready to go. There’s some deals in that store that will only get more attractive when the products come online, and I suspect that the blood has been extracted from the stone. But until then, grab some stuff!

Pre-order Now

And fill out your survey, if you haven’t already.

06/16/2020 Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

Busy day!

  • A few orders today on Amazon. Marathon, not a sprint.
  • Got the book listed on Smashwords, which means that FROZEN DREAMS is available on sites like Barnes & Noble and Kobo and whatnot. It’s definitely on the B&N site now.
  • Had a reader review it on Goodreads. Also, I am now have an author page on Goodreads. If you use that platform, by all means, let me know so we can do that network thing.
  • I also emailed someone who does a weekly book promotion thingy. Not saying who, because if it doesn’t happen it doesn’t happen.
  • Finally, I worked on one of the short stories for the sampler. Copy-editing and the like.
Continue reading 06/16/2020 Report, FROZEN DREAMS.

FROZEN DREAMS is now live on Smashwords, up on Goodreads!

  • Smashwords entry: here.
  • Goodreads entry: here.
  • Amazon entry (obviously): here.

Time for the broken record: if you’ve read the book and liked it, honest reviews are the best thing in the world. They may take time to go up to certain sites, but the more honest reviews I get, the better the algorithms. Note the use of ‘honest:’ cutting corners is a no-no for a bunch of reasons, all of which are equally valid.

Oh, and if you’re on Goodreads already let me know and I’ll friend you. My account is here.