It did a better job than I expected. Heck, I didn’t expect it to do the job at all. AI is a fascinating field.
Tag: giraffes
Everything SHOULD be measured in giraffes, sure.
Sorry. It’s just so rare that social media brings up giraffes, for some reason. And I’ve always wanted an excuse to use that picture.
Headline of the Day, It’s True, We Are edition.
It’s so nice that somebody’s done the research on this: Study: Giraffes are socially complex, misunderstood. It’s a burden, being this sensitive. Alone. Alone, in the herd…
Via Instapundit. Also: …HEY!
Creature Seed: Miniature Tree Giraffes.
Miniature Tree Giraffes – Google Docs
Miniature Tree Giraffes
Well, they’re about the size of a capuchin monkey and look a lot like giraffes; the only real difference is that Miniature Tree Giraffes have prehensile, toed feet instead of hooves. Oh, and they eat fruit, leaves, and small insects. Otherwise, yeah, pretty giraffe-like. They started showing up in the Congo river basin about six months ago, and they’re remarkably common at this point.
Geez, how long does a freaking giraffe gestate for, anyway?
That one whose livestream I linked to a while back still hasn’t given birth yet. …I probably should know how long a giraffe’s gestation period is, though. In my defense, I’ve picked up all my giraffe lore via osmosis, but I should maybe be more formalized about it going forward.
Live Giraffe Birth cam!
…This is apparently my day for not-nice posts.
Second one in a row that I had to delete before posting for being… infelicitous. I mean, it was just nasty. So here: watch an animation of giraffes doing high-dives.
Sometimes you gotta take a step back.
My official statement on the Copenhagen ‘baby giraffe culled, fed to lions’ thing.
I do not, in fact, object to a zoo giraffe being ‘culled,’ per se. There was apparently a giant to-do over the entire thing; and while I understand the ‘save the cute baby giraffe’ impulse the zookeepers have a point: zoo animals have a bit of a genetic bottleneck situation going on. And if you’re going to kill an animal, you shouldn’t just throw it away afterward. Lions, in point of fact, eat giraffes (when they can): it is not unreasonable thing to feed them freshly-killed giraffe meat. Continue reading My official statement on the Copenhagen ‘baby giraffe culled, fed to lions’ thing.
The obligatory giraffe link.
Via @anthropocon comes this win in action featuring Domino’s Pizza and a giraffe. It’s so much of a win, in fact, that you have to go over there to look at it.
And now, Eddie Izzard. Because… Eddie Izzard.
*I* was born to run.
Or born to be wild. Like giraffes!
Long story. And to switch back: yeah, the giraffes in that video aren’t precisely being left to be wild on their own.
Moe Lane
PS: Joanna Lumley is kinda weird about giraffes, isn’t she?