Tweet of the Day, Let Us Revisit One Of The Greatest Twitter Slams Ever edition.

It would appear that the Usual Sorts are trying to argue that the Second Amendment only covers black powder weapons, or whatnot. This argument was handily demolished in 2012, but by all means: bask once more in the glory of this burn.

I followed Carol Roth on the spot for that Tweet.

Hillary Clinton privately babbles about AK-47s in the supermarkets!

My friend and colleague streiff at RedState generally berated these anti-gun comments by Hillary Clinton earlier today, but I want to really drill down on something – look, I know that too much belief in gun control apparently causes neurological degeneration, but this is absurd.

Hillary Clinton slammed the Supreme Court as “wrong on the Second Amendment” and called for reinstating the assault weapons ban during a small private fundraiser in New York last week, according to audio of her remarks obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.


“The idea that you can have an open carry permit with an AK-47 over your shoulder walking up and down the aisles of a supermarket is just despicable,” she said.

Continue reading Hillary Clinton privately babbles about AK-47s in the supermarkets!

Sen. Tim Kaine (D, Virginia) tries to be sneaky about a gun-grabbing bill.

Emphasis on ‘tries.’ It wasn’t that hard to suss out, bless his heart. Essentially, Tim Kaine wants to make private gun sellers as criminally liable as licensed gun sellers, without giving the former the tools to do the job:

While current federal gun law imposes a criminal liability only on those institutions with authority to conduct criminal background checks, Kaine’s bill does no such thing.

Instead, Kaine’s proposal criminalizes a private individual’s failure to conduct a federal background check while refusing to give that individual the right to conduct the federal background check in the first place. Kaine’s office confirmed that his bill does not give private individuals the authority or ability to conduct federal background checks in order to avoid the federal criminal liability imposed by his proposal. Federal law currentlyrestricts NICS access to FFLs or state law enforcement agencies.

I swear, somebody should do a memetic study to determine whether having the gun-control meme in your head causes long-term cognitive damage. As gun-control tactics go, this was remarkably unsubtle and crude.  Not to mention utterly unworkable, but that’s par for the course.

Moe Lane

PS: Seriously, Senator Kaine: make an appointment with your neurologist. If you don’t have a neurologist, get one. I’m being perfectly serious, here.

Does @NPR not read @NPR when it comes to gun violence?

NPR, 2013 (“Rate Of U.S. Gun Violence Has Fallen Since 1993, Study Says”):

“Firearm-related homicides dropped from 18,253 homicides in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011,” according to a report by the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, “and nonfatal firearm crimes dropped from 1.5 million victimizations in 1993 to 467,300 in 2011.

There were seven gun homicides per 100,000 people in 1993, the Pew Research Center study says, which dropped to 3.6 gun deaths in 2010. The study relied in part on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

NPR, 2015 (“What Is The Psychic Toll Of Gun Violence?”):

While 30,000 people a year in the U.S. die from gun violence, [Georgetown University psychiatry professor Liza] Gold noted, two-thirds of those commit suicide. Of the remaining 10,000, a full 90 percent lose their lives in acts of violence from someone known to them.

Continue reading Does @NPR not read @NPR when it comes to gun violence?

A PSA for anybody reading this Daily Beast article on Hillary Clinton and guns.

Found here [H/T: Hot Air Headlines, sorry]. Anyway, the article neglects to mention that:

  • The expiration of the so-called ‘assault weapons ban’ had no effect on gun violence in the United States;
  • Gun violence has been steadily declining in the United States for the last twenty years anyway;
  • And Hillary Clinton – like pretty much every other gun control activist out there – has yet to come up with a plan to limit guns that will only target people who break laws.

They also neglect to mention that Vermont has virtually no gun crime, despite the fact that it’s full of hippies with guns, but that’s probably just regular old cognitive dissonance, there.

@charlescwcooke: So, you Lefties want to repeal the Second Amendment, huh?

Come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough.

Seriously, try it. Start the process. Stop whining about it on Twitter, and on HBO, and at the Daily Kos. [snip] A Second Amendment without the supposedly pernicious Heller “interpretation” wouldn’t be any impediment to regulation at all. It would be a dead letter. It would be an effective repeal. It would be the end of the right itself. In other words, it would be exactly what you want! Man up. Put together a plan, and take those words out of the Constitution.

Truly, this was a rant for the ages.  See also this: short version there is, repeatedly shrieking the word ‘Australia!’ may make gun control enthusiasts feel better, but it’s not actually going to translate into a workable policy. Very little would, in fact.

Tweet of the Day, Does Hoplophobia Cause Brain Damage? edition.

It certainly seems so, sometimes.

How the heck do a bunch of LIBERALS get that particular bit of icon-recognition wrong? Seriously, how? …Oh. Right. Vox.

Um, Bernie Sanders is from VERMONT, Slate.

That’s where the hippies who like guns live.  Which means that, sure, Sen. Bernie Sanders voted for legislation that protects gun manufacturers against the kind of lawfare that hardcore antigun fanatics dream of, furtively and with the shades drawn.  And, apparently, the aforementioned fanatics are infuriated about this.

Heh. If antigun progressives keep going nuts on this topic, either Sanders will have to tell them to self-pleasure themselves, or else he’ll fold like a cheap suit.  Either way sounds like fun to watch! – Personally, I vote for Bernie Sanders giving the antigun types the metaphorical finger. Better for the country if he does, honestly: the current codependent relationship between the Democratic party and its progressive base is kind of unhealthy. Continue reading Um, Bernie Sanders is from VERMONT, Slate.

The Democrats’ gun confiscation fever dream has still not broken.

To quote the Spartans: If. “Gun owners will have to carry liability insurance if a bill introduced Friday by New York House Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney successfully makes its way through Congress.”  And I could be the next High King of Ireland, if the government there switched to a monarchy and decided that I was the true heir to the O’Connor.  …Which I could be.  You don’t actually know that I’m not, right?

Via Instapundit, which rightly notes that this is all about progressive Democrats signalling what they lust for.  In this particular case, they really and truly still want to keep people from owning guns. Never trust them on this. Never trust them on this.

The cognitive dissonance on lowered Virginian crime rates is startling. No, really.

Oh, my.  Question: “Virginians have been buying more firearms than ever,even though crime has been steadily falling. Why?” This winner’s answer? Paraphrased, crime is down because ‘poor’ people are getting abortions*, and people are just buying more guns because they fear and hate Barack Obama because he’s black.


I gather that this article is part of an experiment by the Washington Post.  Some might say** that this experiment has visibly failed…

Moe Lane

*The author did his best to not make it obvious that this is his opinion, but ‘some say’ is a pretty reliable tell.

**See previous footnote.