Reminder: ‘The Citadel at Norðvorn’ Kickstarter is live.

Douglas Cole’s The Citadel at Norðvorn RPG supplement Kickstarter should fund with no trouble — it’s at 83% funded with 19 days to go — but just in case you missed it the first time.

Licensed third-party content for Steve Jackson Games’ Dungeon Fantasy, same world as Doug’s last Kickstarter. I’m currently debating whether or not to up my pledge. Dinero ain’t exactly tight but I got BFGCon coming up in a couple of weeks and that might get expensive.

Garner [Quantum 6] [GURPS 4e]

Garner [Quantum 6]

In Reality Garner, President-Elect Franklin Roosevelt was assassinated in 1933 by Giuseppe Zangara, just like in the highly dangerous Reich-5 timeline.  But unlike on Reich-5, Vice-President Elect John Nance Garner then went on to have two reasonably effective terms before handing over the Presidency to Republican Wendell Willkie in 1940.  It’s now 1942, and Willkie is busy fighting World War II. The war is going roughly the same as it did on Homeline, and there’s no real indication that the Allies are going to lose the war against the Axis.

So it’s amazing how flat-out nasty the out-time interference is getting.  There’s already been sabotage, skullduggery, corruption, and even a couple of suspicious deaths among Infinity personnel, with no end in sight.  And note that this is all internal; the usual fight between Infinity and Centrum over the Garner timeline is positively civilized by comparison.

Continue reading Garner [Quantum 6] [GURPS 4e]

The ‘The Citadel at Norðvorn’ Kickstarter.

Gonna be interesting if the title works under the new WordPress regime:

Anyway, The Citadel at Norðvorn was done by the same guy who did Hall of Judgment, and I kind of have a vested interest in encouraging SJG to do third-party GURPS stuff. Besides, Hall of Judgment was fun. My players had a good time with it at WashingCon.

Doc Shadow [GURPS 4e]

Doc Shadow [600 pt]

Attributes [220]: ST 11 [10], DX 13 [60], IQ 17 [140], HT 11 [10]

Social Background: TL: 8 [0]

Languages: Spanish (Native) [6].

Advantages [324]: Appearance (Handsome) [12], Charisma (2) [10], Combat Reflexes [15], Common Sense [10], Fit [5], Gadgeteer (Quick) [50], Gizmo (2) [10], High TL (1) [5], Independent Income (2) [2], Insubstantiality (Can carry up to No Encumbrance: +10%)  [88], Intuition [15], Less Sleep (3) [4], Reputation (Almost certainly has saved the life of somebody you love) (4) (All the time; Almost everyone) [20], Smooth Operator (1) [15], Social Regard (Respected) (1) [5], Status (+2) [5]*, Versatile [5], Voice [10], Wealth (Very Wealthy) [30]

Continue reading Doc Shadow [GURPS 4e]

Surreality Bombs [GURPS 4e]

Surreality Bombs [TL13]

God help the Galaxy, but those Elder Races still around and in corporeal form all seem addicted to the ‘hobby’ of making a case of these things, then sending them to primitive (TL10 and below) star systems, just to see what would happen.  There’s nothing worse than a species that stubbornly won’t evolve to the next quantum level of reality — well, OK, there are: species out there that stubbornly won’t evolve and who seem to enjoy making less advanced species bleed.  Species deciding to play more or less nonviolent pranks seem relatively harmless by comparison.

By comparison.

Continue reading Surreality Bombs [GURPS 4e]

Survival Mold [TL 10] [GURPS 4e]

Survival Mold [TL 10] – Google Docs

Survival Mold [TL 10] [30]

Description: Mottled-colored goop that rapidly grows on human hair and skin.  It looks like it would smell bad, but it does not. Survival Mold lasts indefinitely: in fact, removing it requires a particular enzyme that is difficult to manufacture at, say, TL8.

Continue reading Survival Mold [TL 10] [GURPS 4e]

Survival Chickens [GURPS 4e].

Survival Chickens – Google Docs

Survival Chickens

Attributes: ST 3, DX 14, IQ 4, HT 14, HP 10, Will 4, Per 10, FP 14
Basic Lift 1.8: Damage 1d-3/1d-2 (imp)
Speed 8: Basic Move: 9

Traits: Claws (Talons), Damage Resistance (2), Discriminatory Smell, Striking ST (4), Chummy, Teeth (Sharp Beak), Domestic Animal (Cannot Speak, Hidebound, Social Stigma (Valuable Property)), No Fine Manipulators

Skills: Brawling DX/E – DX+0 14, Running HT/A – HT+0 14, Tracking Per/A – Per+2 12

Description: Basically, this.

They’re called ‘Survival Chickens’ because ‘neo-dinosaurs’ didn’t focus test well among interplanetary markets at the time.  But that’s what Survival Chickens are; they’re poultry that’s been reverse-engineered back to their dinosaurian origins, while at the same time remaining domesticated animals.  This is very foolish to try at TL8, workable at TL9, and trivial at TL10.

Continue reading Survival Chickens [GURPS 4e].

The Unshucked (Inspired by a Penny Arcade strip) [GURPS 4e]

Unshucked – Google Docs

The Unshucked

[With all due respect to Penny Arcade]

Race: Plant-based undead monstrosities

Attributes [26]: ST 12 [12], DX 12 [24], IQ 6 [-80], HT 13 [30], HP 17 [10], Will 9 [15], Per 6, FP 13

Basic Lift 29
Damage 1d-1/1d+2

Basic Speed 7 [15], Basic Move 7

Advantages [217]: Acute Hearing (10) [20], Affliction (Host for the Unshucked) (1) (Always On (effects are dangerous); Contact Agent; Emanation; Extended Duration (Permanent with dispelling conditions); Cannot Parry; Melee Attack: Reach C; No Signature) [15], Damage Resistance (10) (Can’t Wear Armor; Force Field; Hardened (+1)) [50], Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Absorption) [15], Doesn’t Sleep [20], Indomitable [15], Injury Tolerance (Homogenous) [40], Parabolic Hearing (2) [8], Piercing Attack (2) [10], Single-Minded [5], Temperature Tolerance (4) [4], Unfazeable [15]

Disadvantages [-315]: Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal) [-25], Bloodlust (12 or less) [-10], Cannot Speak [-15], Dependency (Blacksoil) (Rare) (Monthly) [-30], Dread (Fire) (1 yard) (Very Common) [-30], Hidebound [-5], Incurious (6 or less; 12 or less) [-10], Low Empathy [-20], No Fine Manipulators [-30], No Sense of Humor [-10], Non-Iconographic [-10], Slave Mentality [-40], Social Stigma (Abomination) (-3) [-15], Vulnerability (Fire) (Very Common) (x2) [-40], Wealth (Dead Broke) [-25]

Skills [12]: Brawling DX/E – DX+0 12 [1], Forced Entry DX/E – DX+0 12 [1], Innate Attack (Projectile) DX/E – DX+3 15 [8], Wrestling DX/A – DX+0 12 [2] Continue reading The Unshucked (Inspired by a Penny Arcade strip) [GURPS 4e]

High-Tech Field Alchemy Kits [GURPS 4e]

High-Tech Field Alchemy Kits – Google Docs

High-Tech Field Alchemy Kits

Alchemy (and Herb Lore) in GURPS Magic assumes, at best, a TL of either 3 or 4.  This is reasonable; but both skills are fundamentally scientific ones, which means that there’s no reason that they cannot benefit from advances in chemistry, biology, and metallurgy.  Below are improved alchemical equipment for higher TLs, based on the information on pgs 210-212 of GURPS Magic.

Continue reading High-Tech Field Alchemy Kits [GURPS 4e]

The Malakite [GURPS In Nomine 4e]

Malakite – Google Docs

Race: Malakite of War (Angel)

Attributes [260]: ST 14 [40], DX 14 [80], IQ 15 [100], HT 14 [40]

Basic Lift 39, Damage 1d/2d, Basic Speed 7

Social Background: TL: 8 [0], Cultural Familiarities: Western, Languages: English (Native) [6]; French (Native) [6].

Advantages [506]: Alternate Form (Celestial Form) [87]*, Alternate Identity (Legal) [5], Appearance (Attractive) [4], Cannot Fall [5], Combat Reflexes [15], Damage Resistance (3) [15], Danger Sense (No Roll Required) [25], Detect (Celestial Disturbance) (Common) [20], Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10], Doesn’t Sleep [20], Essence Control (9) [24], Immune to Trauma [20], Non-Reciprocal Damage [30], Power Investiture (Celestial) (3) [30], Power Investiture (Corporeal) (3) [30], Power Investiture (Ethereal) (3) [30], Regeneration (Slow: 1HP/12Hr) [10], Resistant (Disease) (Occasional) (Immunity) [10], Rites (2) [4]**, Symphonic Knowledge (Honor) [30], Temperature Tolerance (10) [10], Trained By A Master [30], Unaging (Can still appear to age) [15], Very Fit (Doesn’t Fatigue) [15] Continue reading The Malakite [GURPS In Nomine 4e]