Well… they called it “Replay,” but that’s because American Crossroads has more essential couth than I do.
For those without video, it’s all about the infamous, Did-he-really-say-that?, Dear-God-he-really-said-that, Kinsley gaffe of a “You didn’t build that” comment that is harshing the Lightworker’s mellow. Apparently President Obama’s not very used to having people actually call him out on stupid things that he’s said, and Obama’s being ever-so-aggrieved about it as a coping mechanism. And I would like to wish the President… good luck with that.
No, really. Wait: I’ll even make that wish using the legendary traditions (and symbolism) of the peoples of Hawaii. I’m doing it right at this moment, in fact*… Continue reading #rsrh American Crossroads releases “Two-For-Flinching” anti-Obama ad.