One of hopefully many scenes from the August Health Care Rationing Grassroots Feedback Seminars.

Not one of my videos, but it should warm your heart. Via Instapundit, I present to you this delightful exercise where Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D, TX) gets some feedback from his constituents on health care rationing.

By the way, do you know how Republican TX-25 is?

It’s not. D+6. Doggett was apparently not expecting this level of mentoring from his employers.

Moe Lane

PS: Looks fun, doesn’t it?

Crossposted to RedState.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D): Let’s primary Blue Dogs.

OK! Need a list?

This throwaway line in a Hill article (“Dem healthcare infighting intensifies”):

And on Tuesday it prompted Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) to hint that more liberal members of the party should consider challenging centrist Blue Dogs in next year’s primaries.

…eventually led me to this (via The Patriot Room: he also has a related video there) article about what has to be one of the more, ah, creative strategies floated out there this year: taking down ‘conservative’ Democrats in conservative districts by weakening them or replacing them with liberal Democrats.

Wait, what?

Asked if she would recruit more liberal candidates to run against Blue Dogs, Waters said, “That’s normally not done.”

But she added: “There may be people out there listening and observing all of this who may get motivated based on what they’re seeing and throw their hat into the ring.”

She also criticized White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for recruiting many of the House’s more conservative members when he headed the House Democrats’ campaign arm. Now, she said, “The chickens are coming home to roost.”

Continue reading Rep. Maxine Waters (D): Let’s primary Blue Dogs.

Unintended consequences in health care rationing.

This Jim Geraghty post about the travails of Rep. Waxman, and this Leon Wolf one about the travails of Senators Dodd and Conrad, reminded me that I wanted to point two things out to our Democratic colleagues.

  1. If you hadn’t ignored the fact that two of your Senators were involved in long-standing real estate shenanigans, you might not be facing a situation where one of them is currently destroying the narrative of health care rationing;
  2. If you hadn’t encouraged the Speaker of the House to encourage putting in charge of the Energy committee somebody who hates seeing more of it produced, the equivocators on that committee might not be so frantic about having to vote for a health care rationing bill.

Karma.  It’s what’s for dinner.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Democratic Party to spend millions shoring up internal support for health care rationing.

Yes, I know what the Politico article said.  But this is what is actually happening.  Via Hot Air Headlines:

That spending has already begun, and its level is unprecedented, experts say, both in sheer volume and balance. According to data from the Campaign Media and Analysis Group, most of the ad spending this year has been to support initiatives pushed by Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress.

“That has almost never been the case in any administration,” said Evan Tracey, CMAG’s chief operating officer.

Through mid-July, CMAG, which uses automated capture technologies to monitor the airwaves, identified $9.7 million supporting Obama’s recently unveiled health care plan, $4.7 million opposing it, and $19.7 million more in generalized spending by groups staking out positions either before Obama detailed his plan or not directly supporting or opposing it.

In other words, as the largely-imaginary deadline on passing a health care rationing bill looms, the Democratic party is planning to use the August recess to hammer at the opposition of… its own members.  Meanwhile, the Republican party is proving to be more than happy at reminding those members about why they’re in opposition in the first place; what makes it doubly entertaining is that, win or lose, tying ‘moderate’ or ‘conservative’ Democrats to health rationing will benefit the GOP in next year’s races.  As Jeff noted earlier, the American people are by and large not particularly upset with their personal level of care, and they are not going to enjoy having it taken over by the government.  Continue reading Democratic Party to spend millions shoring up internal support for health care rationing.

“Did you read the health care bill?” – with handy primer.

(Via Politico & Hot Air Headlines) That’s the question that Patients United Now would like asked of every Representative over the August break:

I heartily endorse the notion, with a couple of suggestions:

  • Bring a video camera. If you don’t have one, this one looks cheap enough.
  • Bring a friend to hold the video camera while you talk.
  • Walk right up to your representative, identify yourself clearly, loudly, and politely, make sure that you say the magic words “…and I live in your district…,” and ask him or her whether they read the ‘health care bill’ in full before they voted on it.
  • Remember: this question has a yes or no answer.
  • You are not required to accept anything else than yes or no.
  • You are not required to participate in an argument on the merits of health care.
  • You are not required to tolerate their attempts to change the subject.
  • You are not required to not make this politely, yet firmly clear to your legislator.
  • This is why you need the second person, so that you can concentrate on the matter at hand and let him or her worry about camera angles and whatnot.

And, lastly:

  • If they actually wimp out and recess before voting on the bill, change the question to “Will you read the ‘health care’ bill in full before you vote on it, etc, etc?”  Again, it’s a yes or no question – and for this one, if they give you an attitude you may smile sweetly and remind your legislator of the nortorious fact that nobody in the Democratic Party read the stimulus and/or cap and trade before they voted for it.

Hope this helps.  Have fun!

Moe Lane

PS: Do this all politely.  Let the Left scream and rant; you’re there to get your legislator on the record.  And if they refuse to do that, well, that’s worth uploading to a video sharing site right there.

Crossposted to RedState.

Democratic censorship of Republicans. No exaggeration.

No surprise, either.

Via Connie Hair of Human Events comes a report that the Democratic party has yet again decided that their Congressional majority allows them to interfere with Republican constituent communications. To summarize the situation: there is a bipartisan committee called the Franking Commission that effectively regulates what can and can’t go out officially. This oversight is not supposed to be partisan – Jazz Shaw, who is not a conservative, remembers that it wasn’t during the Iraqi liberation – but apparently the Democrats are sufficiently worried about their health care rationing program to ignore that little detail.

They have decided to not only block that existing chart – yes, this one – on the health care rationing bill; they’re now dictating to Rep John Carter of Mars Texas what language he may or may not use in his electronic town meetings.  Apparently the mere utterance of  of the phrase ‘government-run health care’ is enough to frighten Democrats; would that they were as alarmed at the reality. Continue reading Democratic censorship of Republicans. No exaggeration.

Rep Tom Price (R-GA): stop blaming us for delays in your unpopular health care bill.

If you think that this is a bit long at 3:30, well, it has to be: they need a big hunk of time to let the names of all the ‘conservative’ Democrats currently unsure if they want to follow the President over the cliff of health care rationing. Via Hot Air:

Rep Price’s message was simple, as all good messages should be: this is the Democrats’ bill, and they can pass it any time that they want to. The truth is, of course, that many of the Democrats don’t actually want to – and never mind what Rahm Emanuel is sort-of-kind-of-not-really claiming about how it should clear the House next week. I will not pretend that their motives are pure, of course: most of them merely wish to keep their jobs and sinecures and junkets secure. Plus, of course, they’re raking in the money now from affected industries… which is of course their privilege, but I do have to wonder whether they’ll be taking money from the DCCC, too.

Actually, I don’t wonder. They will. And the progressives will complain, fulminate, and ultimately sit still for it, because that’s what they do.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Welcome to the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, Susan Estrich.

Getting hate mail for this yet?

Well, it’s still pretty early in the morning.  Plenty of time for your compatriots to address your heresy properly:

Mother Knows Best

The president is “not familiar” with the bill. No one can explain how it will work yet, as Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., told a contentious town meeting. There are various plans, and negotiations are still in the early stages.

But whatever it is, we should be for it.

Am I missing something?

Yes. He won, he knows best, so “shut up.”

Moe Lane

PS: No, actually, this is precisely who you voted for, Susan Estrich.  While you were all the while mocking the people who were telling you differently.  So if you’re annoyed, first be annoyed at yourself for your incredulity, then at the administration for taking advantage of it – and then go back at being annoyed at yourself, rather than bring my side into the summer of your discontent.  Enabling you is no more on our agenda than it is on the President’s.

Crossposted to RedState.