Man, it’s like SNL remembered that you can make fun of a Democrat.

Or maybe they’re looking at their bottom lines. Having a Republican President in office is better for a lot of comedians’ pocketbooks and wallets. They can actually, you know, make jokes without their own side’s killjoys screaming at them “THAT’S NOT FUNNY!!!!!” Anyway, here you go: actual attempts at political humor.


Via Hot Air Headlines.

Hillary Clinton to go the Max Headroom campaign strategy route. No, really.

(H/T @charlescwcooke) This will set the tone for the Clinton candidacy: “A person familiar with the Clinton team’s plans confirmed that she will make the initial announcement [that she’s running for President] in a video on Sunday before heading to Iowa.”  Basically, the Clinton campaign has decided to do the bare minimum necessary to signal that she’s running for office, while at the same time giving the press the same mushroom treatment that Barack Obama pioneered.  No questions taken, no opportunities to see how the woman reacts under pressure*, and this may be the first time in history that a major political candidate deliberately attempts to avoid media coverage of her campaign rollout: Ed Morrissey argues here that Hillary wants the media to stay focused on Marco Rubio’s campaign announcement Monday, and not raise inconvenient questions about hers**. Continue reading Hillary Clinton to go the Max Headroom campaign strategy route. No, really.

Democrats: Save us, Lincoln Chafee, you’re ou… no, they’d probably prefer even Martin O’Malley.

Lincoln Chafee is the sort of candidate that runs when your party’s basic electoral strategy can be best described as ‘YOLO.’

(Via The Campaign Spot) How seriously should you take this Q-poll showing Hillary Clinton faring badly in battleground states?

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s lead is wilting against leading Republican presidential candidates in three critical swing states, Colorado, Iowa and Virginia, and she finds herself in a close race with U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky in each state, according to a Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll released today. In head-to-head matchups, every Republican candidate effectively ties her in Colorado and almost all Republicans effectively tie her in Iowa.

This seriously.

Former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee on Thursday announced he will launch a presidential exploratory committee, a surprising move for the Democratic nomination by a veteran public servant who was not previously considered a potential contender… And he’s already indicated that hitting Hillary Clinton on her vote for the Iraq War — which he opposed — will be central to his rationale for running, introducing a foreign policy foil to Clinton’s cast of potential rivals.

Continue reading Democrats: Save us, Lincoln Chafee, you’re ou… no, they’d probably prefer even Martin O’Malley.

…I don’t get why Team Clinton is apparently on High Alert. I really don’t.

Seriously, why?

Most staffers hired for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign have no idea when she’ll announce, according to a CNN report, but have been told that they must be ready to start their campaign roles at any moment — starting Monday.

Until then, they are working out of an office meant for her personal staff, according to the report. The campaign-in-waiting’s digital team has reportedly been operating out of the space’s kitchen.

What’s the point? The article notes that Hillary Clinton has rented some space, which means that she’ll have to announce within two weeks anyway (renting space for a campaign counts as ‘campaign activity’). I can understand not announcing ahead of time, but why not tell your staff?  Is she that scared of communications leaks?


Quote of the Day, …Hillary Clinton Should Start By Getting Out More, Then edition.

This is unintentionally hilarious.

Now, after two decades in the public eye, Mrs. Clinton must try to show voters a self-effacing, warm and funny side that her friends say reflects who she really is.

At least, I assume that Amy Chozick of the NYT didn’t break down in uncontrollable laughter after reading what she had just written.  I am doing her the professional courtesy of not assuming that she’s not really this deluded, you see.  The reality of it is, you cannot simultaneously hide from the public – which is what Hillary Clinton is doing right now – and portray yourself as being warm and inviting. The two states are, as they say, contradictory. Continue reading Quote of the Day, …Hillary Clinton Should Start By Getting Out More, Then edition.

The Clinton machine threatens Martin O’Malley. Note the choice of subject noun.

This passage is even more revealing than it appears:

Recently, a representative from the Hillary Clinton camp delivered a message to Martin O’Malley, the former Maryland governor preparing to challenge Clinton for the 2016 Democratic nomination.

I have some good news and some bad news, the messenger said.

What’s the good news? asked O’Malley.

The good news is we’re taking you seriously, the messenger answered. And the bad news is … we’re taking you seriously.

Continue reading The Clinton machine threatens Martin O’Malley. Note the choice of subject noun.

A *dirty* Democratic primary season may still happen!

Call me an optimist? Sure.  It’s a fair cop.  Still, here comes the war: “Minutes after [Martin] O’Malley’s appearance on “This Week,” former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm, a top adviser to the Ready for Hillary PAC, said on the same program, “Martin O’Malley, he’s a very nice guy, and I was thinking he might make a nice member of a President Clinton administration, so he better watch it.””  Jennifer Granholm, for those of you who don’t remember, was the person that liberals used to get wistful about: she’s a naturalized citizen – and thus ineligible to become President.  Well, to be honest about it Granholm would have been ineligible to become President anyway, given that she drove the state of Michigan into the ground so hard that it left an impact crater; but that is perhaps incidental to my point.

Moving along: streiff over at RedState takes O’Malley seriously as both a challenger to Hillary, and as a candidate for President.  I share his opinion on the first, but not the second; the pathway for a Democratic victory in 2016 is through the difficult trick of simultaneously embracing Clintonism and rejecting Obamaism while at the same time being publicly seen to embrace Obamaism and reject Clintonism. It’s a devil of a problem, really. Democratic primary voters will be made up of bitter progressives who want to be told pretty lies about how they’re not the ones who are fringe, really, and African-American voters who want proper deference shown to Barack Obama.  That’s enough of a combined voting bloc to get the nomination.  Alas for the Democrats, swing voters have already had eight years of Barack Obama and progressives; and those voters are showing little sign of being interested in twelve. Continue reading A *dirty* Democratic primary season may still happen!

This is why the Democratic Establishment is still desperate to run Hillary Clinton.

One chart is all you need.  From NBC’s 2012 exit polls:

Dem % ’12 GOP % ’12 % Total
White men 35 62 34
White women 42 56 38
Black men 87 11 5
Black women 96 3 8
Latino men 65 33 5
Latino women 76 23 6
All other races 66 31 5

Continue reading This is why the Democratic Establishment is still desperate to run Hillary Clinton.

Tweet of the Day, Maybe Hillary Clinton Will Try To Go Full Metal Hawk, Or Something edition.

It’s maybe her best play at this point.

I mean, basically right now Obama’s foreign policy strategy is lying in a dirty room somewhere and trying to stuff its small intestine back into its gut. Hillary Clinton might as well go Scoop Jackson, or something. What does she have to lose?