Tweet of the Day, Hillary Clinton Abandons Mary Landrieu & Mary Burke To Their Fates edition.

There must just be something about Marys.

…And no, it’s not that they’re both going to lose. At this point in the polls, so is Allison Grimes, Michelle Nunn, Mark Udall, Bruce Braley, and Martha Coakley. I guess Hillary Clinton just thinks that getting embarrassed in Wisconsin and Louisiana is particularly unwise, for some reason…

Pro-illegal immigration activists go after… Hillary Clinton.

Well. That is certainly a thing.

Immigration activists disrupted a speech by Hillary Clinton on Tuesday evening at an event in New York City to benefit groups advocating on behalf of programs and legislation to support first responders and workers affected by the September 11th attacks.

After Clinton’s speech, the group of at least six young activists began chanting, “Undocumented! Unafraid!” Several of them wore t-shirts that said: “Will You Deport My Family.”

Honestly? She probably would. At least, these people’s specific families.  The woman knows how to hold a grudge.

Career State Department staffer accuses Hillary Clinton’s staff of sanitizing Benghazi records.

This comes perilously close to being ‘too bad to be true’ territory. Meet Ray Maxwell, former Deputy Assistant Secretary at the State Department – and one of the people fingered, then cleared, of wrongdoing in the Benghazi ambassador disaster.  (He since has retired, having served for over two decades. And also, yeah, the entire ‘pariah’ thing.) Mr. Maxwell is now testifying that Hillary Clinton loyalists organized a band of plumbers* to sanitize the relevant files between said disaster, and the inevitable investigation:

When he arrived, Maxwell says he observed boxes and stacks of documents. He says a State Department office director, whom Maxwell described as close to Clinton’s top advisers, was there. Though the office director technically worked for him, Maxwell says he wasn’t consulted about her weekend assignment.

“She told me, ‘Ray, we are to go through these stacks and pull out anything that might put anybody in the [Near Eastern Affairs] front office or the seventh floor in a bad light,’” says Maxwell. He says “seventh floor” was State Department shorthand for then-Secretary of State Clinton and her principal advisors.

“I asked her, ‘But isn’t that unethical?’ She responded, ‘Ray, those are our orders.’ ”

Continue reading Career State Department staffer accuses Hillary Clinton’s staff of sanitizing Benghazi records.

Tweet of the Day, …Andrew Cuomo’s Going To Win His Primary, Right? edition.

Because I’ve been assuming that.


Continue reading Tweet of the Day, …Andrew Cuomo’s Going To Win His Primary, Right? edition.

The New York Times reconciles itself to losing the Senate.

(H/T: Hot Air) It wouldn’t publish an article like this unless it had come to terms with the situation:

A Republican takeover of the Senate this fall would hurt Mr. Obama for the final two years of his presidency, but it might help Mrs. Clinton if she runs to succeed him.

Republican control of both the House and Senate would provide Mrs. Clinton a clearer target to run against in courting voters fatigued by Washington dysfunction. The longer an unpopular president and his more-unpopular partisan adversaries battle to a standstill, the easier it is to offer herself as a fresh start.

“It would be bad for the country,” said Stanley B. Greenberg, President Bill Clinton’s former pollster, but “total gridlock would allow Hillary to be the change.”

…Except, of course, for the minor problem that Hillary Clinton put into motion, and was the public face for, the current administration’s disastrous foreign policy record*.  To say nothing of the fact that a sixty-nine year old apparatchik is not exactly what one thinks of when one says ‘dynamic agent of change.’  But that’s just the NYT’s little ways.

What’s more interesting is that the Old Grey Lady is busily reassuring its readers about the sourness of those Senatorial grapes. Contra the Democratic argument – and not a few conservative ones –  there is no particular evidence that the Republican party is at any serious electoral risk vis a vis its policies and stated goals.  If there was, we wouldn’t be seeing the Republican party poised to take control of the Senate.  If you want to see what a political party out of tune with the electorate looks like, look at 2006**.  Or, indeed, 2010.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*I was going to say ‘worst foreign policy record in American history,’ except that I have to be fair.  Barack Obama has not yet managed to get Washington, DC burned down by an invading army.

**2008 is what a party blindsided by an economic crisis and a new data-driven voter drive paradigm looks like.

New York Post: Hillary Clinton / Barack Obama feud continues to bubble and froth.

Meanwhile, in lighter news

Hug it out? Not a chance.

Despite widespread predictions that Hillary Clinton and President Obama would kiss and make up when they sat down at a friend’s birthday party on Martha’s Vineyard last week, sources inside the Clinton camp tell me that instead of a hug-a-thon the meeting turned into a tense, awkward freeze-a-thon.

Continue reading New York Post: Hillary Clinton / Barack Obama feud continues to bubble and froth.

Enjoy, progressives! – Jon Corzine starting the process of joining Team Hillary Clinton.

I wonder if progressive Democrats are really Ready for Hillary.

Not that they have even the illusion of a choice. Events like this are pretty much designed to hammer that basic reality home. Jon Corzine, by any rational standard, should have been at least tried for fraud for what his MF Global brokerage firm did with over a billion dollars of their customer’s money (it took two years to get that money back). And yet… as Mollie Hemingway notes here, Jon Corzine had the good fortune of being a major bundler for the Obama administration.  So, oddly enough, there’s been no criminal charges filed. Continue reading Enjoy, progressives! – Jon Corzine starting the process of joining Team Hillary Clinton.

Bad timing: Hillary Clinton book bragged about Hamas/Israeli ceasefire.

Although, to be fair: it did manage to last past Clinton book’s publication date.

…So, given that Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was a Mega-big Bucket Of Maximum Fail, what else does she have to bring to the table?

Hillary Clinton shows the anti-Bush Left the Hawaiian Good-Luck Symbol.

I do not believe that Hillary Clinton actually believes this, but I do believe that she believes that she needs to act like she believes this. Continue reading Hillary Clinton shows the anti-Bush Left the Hawaiian Good-Luck Symbol.

Ah, yes, the Unsinkable Hillary Clinton. #2016

This is an interesting tweet…

…mostly because I remember how inevitable Hillary Clinton was in 2006, too. Admittedly, the options have gotten worse since then – Barack Obama has had the same effect on future Democratic candidates that dioxin has on plants – but, still, it’s not like the woman is a great candidate. And if 2016 really does end up being a foreign policy election, then the Democrats would be better off nominating somebody with no record before they nominate someone with her record.