‘How do you solve a problem like Obama?’

Yes, it’s a The Sound of Music reference.  It’s also a real issue for any Democrat out there who is thinking of running for President in 2016.  Basically, the President is not getting any more popular – quite the opposite, really – but his base supporters still love him.  Or at least still pretend that they do.  Figuring out how to balance the two, mutually contradictory objectives is going to be a fun game for the Other Side to play for the next few years*.

Hillary Clinton apparently decided to not even tryContinue reading ‘How do you solve a problem like Obama?’

Karl Rove forces Bill Clinton to provide relevant health information about Hillary Clinton.

So, this is why Karl Rove rather loudly speculated about brain damage:

Bill Clinton stated that his wife is in great health.

“She works out every week, she is strong, she is doing great, as far as I can tell she’s in better shape than I am. She certainly seems to have more stamina now and there’s nothing to it,” Clinton said. “I was sort of dumbfounded. They went to all this trouble to say she had staged what was a terrible concussion that required six months of very serious work to get over, something she never lowballed with the American people, never tried to pretend didn’t happen. Now they say she’s really got brain damage.”

Continue reading Karl Rove forces Bill Clinton to provide relevant health information about Hillary Clinton.

:snort: Joe Biden’s candidacy ‘in danger’ of being ridiculous.

Submitted without comment. With snickering, maybe, but without comment.

Joe Biden’s prospective presidential candidacy is in danger of becoming a joke.

Peter Beinart, of course. Trust a member of the antiwar movement to write something like that… OK, so there was one comment. Continue reading :snort: Joe Biden’s candidacy ‘in danger’ of being ridiculous.

Tweet of the Day, This Is Not Good Media For Hillary Clinton edition.

Here’s a funny thing about front-runners: they don’t always pan out.

Especially on the Democratic side.  As Hillary Clinton probably noticed in 2008.

So, DOES @HillaryClinton or @JoeBiden think that Israel is heading towards an apartheid state?

Can we get them on the record about that, thanks?  – Because I’m sure that the answer would be… illuminating.

Moe Lane

PS: I’d ask Elizabeth Warren that, too, except that she’s smart enough to lie and say no – but not skilled enough to make that lie anything but a five-minute fumble-tongued exercise in excruciating tedium.

No, I’m pretty sure that the Clinton Shoe Woman thing wasn’t staged.

Yeah I’m not buying this.


The woman’s reportedly the same one as somebody who interrupted the trial of the Aurora shooter by screaming about people spying on her with rays. Contra Hollywood, crazy people do not make for reliable sleeper agents – and this woman went beyond full New World Order paranoia and right into Full Metal Crazy-Pants territory.  I’m just grateful that she didn’t have a gun.

Moe Lane

I love the expression on Bill Kristol’s face here (via @aceofspadeshq*).

That is the look of a man who has rolled a rhetorical hand grenade into a room, and is now waiting with keen interest to see  which of his ideological opponents is going to volunteer to jump on it.

Annnd it’s Chuck Todd.  Who is visibly not enthralled with being stuck being the guy who has to come up with the answer to (I paraphrase) In one sentence, what’s Hillary Clinton’s main qualification to be President? Continue reading I love the expression on Bill Kristol’s face here (via @aceofspadeshq*).

Pro-Hillary Clinton ‘Correct the Record’ Super PAC… insinuates that she is a pimp?

Wait, what*?

(Via the Washington Free Beacon) OK, this doesn’t count as a political post, because it’s funny. Here’s pro-Hillary Clinton PAC @CorrectRecord (that link will undoubtedly die in the next hour or so):


…aaaannnnd here’s the aforementioned @1000days account (and I wonder how long THAT one will last):

Continue reading Pro-Hillary Clinton ‘Correct the Record’ Super PAC… insinuates that she is a pimp?

Health whispers about Hillary Clinton.

Always hard to tell how much of this is true, how much of this is BS, and how much is BS that also happens to be true, but for completely unrelated reasons.

If you listen to the chattering class in Washington, D.C., Hillary Clinton is a virtual certainty for the 2016 Democratic nomination, and the front runner in the next presidential race.

But in private, rumors persist that the former Secretary of State may not even be capable of making it to Iowa and New Hampshire. Clinton, these skeptics often say, will not run for president again because of health concerns.

Continue reading Health whispers about Hillary Clinton.