Huma Abedin investigated, let off the hook for embezzlement.

Well now: “Federal investigators formally investigated top Hillary Rodham Clinton aide Huma Abedin for the crime of embezzlement after confirming she took a “Babymoon” vacation and maternity time at the State Department without expending her formal leave, resulting in thousands of dollars of pay she wasn’t entitled to receive, The Washington Times has learned.” The case started with the FBI and went onto to the Justice Department, and – surprise, surprise! – the Justice Department declined to seek criminal charges against Ms. Abedin, despite the fact that they apparently had a case.  Note that this is not actually a surprise, and if you are surprised then I envy you your naivete.

Look, I don’t expect that the Democratic party faithful will ever concede that for the last seven years there’s been one law for the politically connected, and another law for the rest of us. No man or woman likes to voluntarily admit that they’ve been assisting in the slow erosion of the laws and mores of the Republic. But I do expect them to understand that those of us on the Right who are aware of the situation do not concede that the Left has the moral standing to speak on anything involving ethical behavior. Let alone lecture us on the subject. This sort of thing has happened too many times for us to just keep ignoring it.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

The Hillary Clinton campaign is going to reinvent itself.

Into what remains somewhat… unclear.

Seriously, this is one of those times where you have to ask “What’s the victory condition, here?” Well, yes, winning – but why does Hillary Clinton want to win? Has anybody ever bothered to ask her? Has she even asked herself? I sometimes wonder if she’s ever dared to ask herself.

Ambition is a hell of a drug, folks.

Hillary Clinton now being more or less worshiped by liberal New England choral group.

Geez. White people.

(Via @YR_AlyssaDC) Nah, this isn’t creepy at all.

“A women’s chorus called Voices from the Heart replaced the name “Jesus” with “Hillary” at a campaign rally in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on Saturday.”

…but here’s the funny part: it’s kind of creepy for completely different reasons than you might think! Yes, replacing ‘Jesus’ with ‘Hillary Clinton’ is in itself more than faintly alarming. But it gets better! …For given values of better.
Continue reading Hillary Clinton now being more or less worshiped by liberal New England choral group.

A possible escalation of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.

Maybe this is something. Maybe this is nothing. But it looms: oh, my, yes it does.

A federal judge appears willing to order the State Department to question former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her lawyer about the possible existence of backup copies of thousands of her personal emails.

The order, which could come by the end of next week, may lead to definitive proof about whether copies exist of the roughly 31,000 emails Clinton claims were personal and deleted from her private server.

It’s always perjury that they get you on. Always. So let’s have a rousing round of tell-the-nice-Fed-what-you-did. It might be a hoot.

Hillary Clinton used unsafe server to relay spy satellite data on North Korea.

Marvelous: “One of the most serious potential breaches of national security identified so far by the intelligence community inside Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private emails involves the relaying of classified information concerning the movement of North Korean nuclear assets, which was obtained from spy satellites.”  Admittedly, the Chinese probably already knew about the aforementioned movement of those nuclear assets, given that North Korea is their particular little embarrassment/headache. But now the Chinese know what we know about North Korean nuclear asset movements; worse, they have a somewhat better idea of what we don’t know about North Korean nuclear asset movements. Lucky break that we’re not currently fighting a proxy war with the ChiComs, huh? – Which is something that we’ve done twice, within living memory.

I mean, can we not pretend, here? This was an epic screw-up by the former Secretary of State. It is the kind of screw-up that the GOP can and will viciously and cheerfully exploit in the general election, should Hillary Clinton be the nominee. And before you ask ‘So what?’ let me remind you that in every election we see a certain number of defectors from one party to the other.  I suspect that, should Hillary Clinton be the nominee, the percentage of Republican defectors will end up being quite remarkably small.

Doug Schoen’s off-tune whistling through the graveyard of Hillary Clinton’s electoral hopes.

If this is literally all that the Democrats have to work with, then they’re in trouble:

Democrats have won the popular vote in five of the last six national elections and with 17 Republican candidates, and the specter of Donald trump looming above it all, it’s hard to believe that even a weakened Clinton would be unelectable.

Continue reading Doug Schoen’s off-tune whistling through the graveyard of Hillary Clinton’s electoral hopes.

A PSA for anybody reading this Daily Beast article on Hillary Clinton and guns.

Found here [H/T: Hot Air Headlines, sorry]. Anyway, the article neglects to mention that:

  • The expiration of the so-called ‘assault weapons ban’ had no effect on gun violence in the United States;
  • Gun violence has been steadily declining in the United States for the last twenty years anyway;
  • And Hillary Clinton – like pretty much every other gun control activist out there – has yet to come up with a plan to limit guns that will only target people who break laws.

They also neglect to mention that Vermont has virtually no gun crime, despite the fact that it’s full of hippies with guns, but that’s probably just regular old cognitive dissonance, there.

Quote of the Day, …Is This All That Hillary Clinton Has? edition

Leon Wolf pretty much nails it on Hillary’s attempt to troll us, here:

Hillary Clinton does not have what it takes to run this kind of campaign. The success of the troll lies in her ability to goad her opponent into mistakes by making them angry. No one who actually watched this speech was angered by it. Instead of invoking anger, Hillary Clinton’s pathetic attempts to be a rhetorical firebrand invoke merely pity and ridicule. Republicans face no risk of going over the top in their response because no real response is even required by this bland, wooden and trite attack other than to merely repeat the words Hillary herself has used.

To mangle the Robert Anton Wilson quote: but I’m sure that Hillary means well. Or at least she meant something.

Hillary Clinton’s pro-abortion comments shows she’s worried she’s losing.

It’s really as simple as that:

“Extreme views about women, we expect them from some of the terrorist groups, we expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world,”[pro-abortion advocate and Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton] said.

“It’s a little hard to take coming from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States, but they espouse out-of-date and out-of-touch policies.”

Continue reading Hillary Clinton’s pro-abortion comments shows she’s worried she’s losing.