It’s remarkable how much the 1966 Batman film draws on HP Lovecraft.

The whole plot was more or less ripped off of from The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, or at least the central conceit was.  Add to that the simultaneous profound betrayal felt by Batman at a crucial moment in the movie – one that pretty much called into question the very pillars of his emotional stability as Bruce Wayne – and the final moments that evoked so perfectly Ken Hite’s thesis in The Man Who Shot Joseph Curwen, and you have a surprisingly Lovecraft-inspired movie.  I say ‘surprisingly’ because the movie is in itself not actually all that horrific.

Continue reading It’s remarkable how much the 1966 Batman film draws on HP Lovecraft.

Get “Cast a Deadly Spell” and “Witch Hunt” on DVD, dagnabbit.

I wish to give the people who own these properties money for a DVD copy.

Several years ago I noted for the record:

It is downright criminal that [Witch Hunt] and its prequel (Cast a Deadly Spell) are only available on VHS.

I still stand by that statement.

Moe Lane

PS: …What? Oh, it’s H.P. Lovecraft meets Raymond Chandler. And the first part was not implicit in any way, shape, or form.

Cast a Deadly Spell | David Warner | Martin Campbell | Fred Ward | Movie Trailer | Review



Dear God, the last thing that I need to read in the morning is Maureen Dowd referencing Lovecraft:

The influential horror writer H. P. Lovecraft knew better than to be too literal in his description of monsters.

In the short story “The Outsider,” Lovecraft’s narrator offers a description that matches how some alarmed Democrats view Tea Partiers: “I cannot even hint what it was like, for it was a compound of all that is unclean, uncanny, unwelcome, abnormal and detestable. It was the ghoulish shade of decay, antiquity and desolation; the putrid, dripping eidolon of unwholesome revelation; the awful baring of that which the merciful earth should always hide. God knows it was not of this world.”

Aside from everything else, that’s a faintly silly choice of Lovecraft stories to reference.  To quote Ken Hite… quoting HPL: Continue reading WHO LET MODO GET INTO THE HPL STASH?

#rsrh Toronto rioting and the moral spectrum.

Via Treacher, we have two competing concepts.

this is barbarism. This is the dream of the anti-globalization fanatics: to be “free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and reveling in joy.

And this is civilization.  Because if their parents won’t teach them, and their peers won’t teach them, and certainly their teachers won’t teach them, then apparently we’re counting on random passerby to teach the Hard Left to stop acting like deranged Lovecraft cultistsWhich we can do; but I suspect that the recipients of this particular form of remedial education won’t enjoy it much.

Moe Lane

A month of Lovecraft is Missing filler…

…which promises to be above the usual webcomic filler: various cultural artifacts as part of “an informal survey of serial storytelling” and lots of guest blogs from other people doing Lovecraft-themed webcomics. Sounds like fun.

I’d also like to note again that Tour de Lovecraft really is an immensely accessible survey/refresher of Lovecraft’s work.