Item Seed: The Rasputin Collection.

Rasputin Collection – Google Docs

The Rasputin Collection


Description: a set of platinum and blue sapphire jewelry (tiara, brooch, necklace, earrings, and ring).  The style is clearly that of the 19th Century Russian jewelry firm the House of Bolin, but no records of the creation and/or sale of the Rasputin Collection survive.  The provenance of the Collection since then is equally murky. All jewels of the Rasputin Collection are almost icy cold to the touch; they feel like they would do damage if worn against bare skin, but do not.

Continue reading Item Seed: The Rasputin Collection.

Item Seed: Skullz Commemorative Trading Cards Series 5 (2005).

Skullz Commemorative Trading Cards Series 5 (2005) – Google Docs

Skullz Commemorative Trading Cards Series 5 (2005)


Description: a set of 32 occult-motif trading cards the size of a standard baseball card.  Each card shows a different person (there are 18 men and 14 women in the set), dressed in fanciful looking robes and sporting an odd, ornate title.  Each card on the back has a different, elaborate design that causes nosebleeds if looked at for too long. The cards may or may not be indestructible, but you can’t cut or poke holes through them.

Continue reading Item Seed: Skullz Commemorative Trading Cards Series 5 (2005).

Item Seed: Exotic Low-Velocity Explosive Sabot rounds.

Exotic Low-Velocity Explosive Sabot rounds – Google Docs

Exotic Low-Velocity Explosive Sabot rounds


For those times when you absolutely do not want to risk killing or even seriously hurting a hostage in a firefight.  They’re non-lethal ammunition, taken to a whole new extreme: when fired, an ELVES round inflates in mid-flight (Explosive Sabot), formd an oxygen-generating film that protects against kinetic and energy attacks (Exotic), then wraps itself around its target without hurting it (Low-Velocity).  This film will reliably act as protection against anything up to and including a fragmentation grenade going off under it; it will last up to twenty minutes before degrading, which is usually far longer than it takes for a firefight to resolve itself. The film even acts as a mild analgesic and antidepressant, upon contact with human skin.

Continue reading Item Seed: Exotic Low-Velocity Explosive Sabot rounds.

Item Seed: the Ruby Vampir .32 ACP Pistol.

Ruby Vampir – Google Docs

Ruby Vampir


This limited-run variant of the Spanish Ruby .32 ACP semi-automatic pistol was produced between 1918 and 1932 by a somewhat obscure (and now defunct) Romanian monastic order.  The Ruby Vampir differed from the original variant not so much in basic performance as it was a fulfillment of the Ruby’s original promise: Vampirs were machined and manufactured with the highest production values, resulting in a gun that was even more reliable, rugged, and accurate than the original.  More to the point, the Vampir was remarkably good at ghoul-killing.

Continue reading Item Seed: the Ruby Vampir .32 ACP Pistol.

Item Seed: Blade.

Blade – Google Docs



Description: a hilt, sized for a human hand, on one end and a blue ball of light about a foot away on the other (the ball can be extended out another two feet, or brought in to a minimum of three inches).  Connecting the two is a green line. Blade is designed pretty explicitly to not function if dropped, thrown, or ingeniously placed so as to eventually cause havoc, up to and including having it burrow down to the Earth’s core, while in the process causing a supervolcanic eruption that ends up destroying civilization in North America.  Yes, somebody tried that.

Continue reading Item Seed: Blade.

Item Seed: Spiegel des Papstes.

Spiegel des Papstes – Google Docs

Spiegel des Papstes


Legend has it that this gilded silver-backed mirror was the first owned by a Pope (Gregory XVI, reign 1831-1846).  Pope Gregory was an interesting fellow who probably would have been happier to be pope a century or two earlier; a large portion of his tenure involved dealing with the mid-19th Century’s various technological and social innovations, typically with a highly jaundiced eye and disapproving mien (Gregory was not even particularly fond of things like railroads or gas lighting).  He would probably be horrified to hear that today the Spiegel des Papstes is widely (for literally esoteric values of ‘widely’) considered to be a magical item; after all, from Gregory’s point of view it was merely an item given miraculous powers by long exposure to the Vatican.

Continue reading Item Seed: Spiegel des Papstes.

Item Seed: Warding Cream.

Warding Cream – Google Docs

Warding Cream

It’s kind of like shaving cream, only it’s supernaturally potent enough to be used to draw lines for pentacles and other kinds of wards. Warding Cream’s major advantage is also its major disadvantage: it works fine, as long as nothing physical touches it. But it’s very easy to disrupt it, and the foam will decay into useless no more than an hour after it is drawn. Continue reading Item Seed: Warding Cream.

Item Seed: The Cincinnati Suitcase.

Cincinnati Suitcase – Google Docs

The Cincinnati Suitcase


Description: a blue-grey travel suitcase with spinner wheels and an extendable grip.  Internal capacity is 21” X 10” x 15”; when found, it contained a variety of clothes, toiletries, and miscellaneous items.  A ticket attached to the grip indicated that this luggage was part of a October 2016 flight from Dearfield Airport to Cincinnati International Airport, via Monarch Airlines.

Continue reading Item Seed: The Cincinnati Suitcase.