#rsrh US Secret Service under Obama continues to live down to its new reputation.

At first, I thought that this was funny:

A U-Haul being used by the secret service for Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to the Labor Day Rally in Detroit on Monday was stolen out of a hotel parking lot Sunday morning.

(H/T Gateway Pundit)  But it’s not actually funny.  It’s alarming, if not downright nerve-wracking.  If the Secret Service can’t even notice when one of its own vehicles gets stolen, what precisely guarantees that they’ll notice if something gets added to one of their vehicles?

Sorry* if that ruins the joke for folks.

Moe Lane

*That’s what’s known as a ‘polite’ sorry.  Which is to say, a fib.

#rsrh QotD, Bidenmentum* edition.

All right, I admit it: I briefly stopped reading this TNR piece (H/T: Hot Air Headlines) in order to quote from it, because the excerpt was just too good to pass up.

TYPICALLY AT this point on the political calendar, a sitting vice president scrupulously downplays his interest in ascending to the top job. The thought of course consumes him, but actually discussing it strikes him as breathtakingly gauche. Vice presidents as varied as Walter Mondale, George H.W. Bush, and Al Gore all gamely hewed to this script.

And then there is Joe Biden.

…Yes. Yes, there is. Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Bidenmentum* edition.

#rsrh Joe Biden To Open His Mouth in Tampa during GOP convention.

Five bucks says Joe Biden shows up at said convention, somehow gets up on the podium, and introduces Tim Scott (R, SC-01) as the President of the United States.  By accident.

See also Hot Air and AoSHQ for more mockery.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Joe Biden To Open His Mouth in Tampa during GOP convention.

#rsrh Forbes asks: is Joe Biden… neurological?

They say “Maybe.” Hot Air says “Joe has always been like that.” I say “I can get away with making the long-distance diagnosis that Joe Biden is failing mentally because I’m a partisan political hack and NOBODY will take my diagnosis seriously*. But if you’re a doctor, aren’t there professional ethics involved, here?”

I think that covers it.

Moe Lane

*And nobody should.  Despite the fact that I’m right, and Joe Biden is failing mentally.  I know that’s a paradox, sorry; I’m not sure how to describe this thought in English.

Boston Globe slams Joe Biden for gaffes, and liberals for hypocrisy. (That was not a typo.)

What is this newspaper, and what have they done with the Boston Globe?

Because I never thought that I would see a major Democratic newspaper lecture a Democratic Vice President like this – and lecture liberals for letting said Vice President get away with murdering his own rhetoric for so long:

Liberals routinely dismiss Biden’s gaffes as the rhetorical excesses of an overly exuberant speaker — it’s “Joe being Joe.” And there can be something appealing about a politician who throws caution and the script that goes with it to the winds. Yet when conservative speakers get overly exuberant and cross a rhetorical line, they are presumed racist or culturally insensitive, rather than refreshingly free-spirited. One standard should apply.

Continue reading Boston Globe slams Joe Biden for gaffes, and liberals for hypocrisy. (That was not a typo.)

#rsrh QotD, The Choice… Crud. The Choice COULDN’T Be Clearer, Huh? edition.

US News and World Report, in the process of pointing out that, hey, maybe we need a little whiteboard time in our political debate right now:

Courtesy of the White House pool report on Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Virginia, the same day as the Republicans-want-to-keep-you-in-chains comment. After a voter asked about Social Security, Biden said: “Hey, by the way, let’s talk about Social Security. Number one, I guarantee you, flat guarantee you, there will be no changes in Social Security. I flat guarantee you.” No wonder the White House has stopped issuing transcripts of Biden’s events. Even the Washington Post editorial board found itself “disheartened by his pandering comment,” given that unless changes are made, Social Security will be bankrupt by 2033. That’s when voters like me, who are in our 40s, will be retiring.

Ironically, I don’t really recognize this as a ‘change:’ I figured out about a decade ago that there will be no Social Security for me when I retire.  The GOP being able to fix things to the point where there will be?  …Yeah, that would be a change.

(H/T: @cayankee)

#rsrh Some day I want to hear what Joe Biden did to Doug Wilder.

I suspect that whatever it was, it was memorable.

At a fundraiser at the Richmond, VA Marriott tonight for the Romney campaign, there was a surprise guest. Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell introduced Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who in turn introduced Rep. Paul Ryan. But before McDonnell took the mic, another figure was acknowledging dignitaries in the crowd. Among those dignitaries addressed from the stage, was former Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder, according to a Tatler source who was there.

Moe Lane

PS: Exactly how somebody goes to the wrong fundraiser by accident – particularly one this high-level – is left as an exercise for the interested student.

Former VA Governor Doug Wilder (D) smacks around Joe Biden over ‘Chains’ comment.

I assume that everyone is checked out on the basic story? Vice President Joe Biden Opened His Mouth at a majority-African American audience in Virginia and told that audience that if Romney got elected they were all going to end up in chains (he also told them that they were in North Carolina, but that kind of reality-based ambiguity is more or less baked into the cake that is Joe Biden).  The White House has decided to pretend that they didn’t hear about it right away… sure you didn’t, Mister President – and that the whole thing is a ‘distraction,’ which is Beltway-speak for ‘a solid sucker punch right to the solar plexus.’ I’d say that Obama has gotten surprisingly adroit at sounding like a typical Dizzy City political… ah, ‘operative’… except that this would be unfair to the Chicago political machine.  Mendacity and baldfaced lying are part of the Illinois Combine – and they’re good at it, thank you very much.

Well, former Governor Wilder isn’t too happy about the entire situation:

Continue reading Former VA Governor Doug Wilder (D) smacks around Joe Biden over ‘Chains’ comment.

#rsrh QotD, One Reason Is All That Geraghty Needed edition.

Jim Geraghty, on the sudden Beltway whispers that Joe Biden might wish to think about spending more time with his family:

[A] sudden Biden departure won’t happen and can’t happen, for a couple of reasons. First, it would require President Obama to admit a mistake.

…and that ends it, pretty much there.  This is mostly all about Establishment DC laying down its own markers in anticipation of a Romney-Ryan win, anyway; when Obama loses the usual suspects will all blame Biden for it, and never mind everything else.

Moe Lane

PS: Regarding the debates… I certainly hope that the Romney-Ryan team has got some very vicious, very ruthless people debate prepping Paul Ryan on foreign policy.  Because the expectations for Biden aren’t just low: they’ve crashed through the floor, and are now in an impact crater in the basement muttering about space.  Paul Ryan needs to make Joe Biden reel during their debate.