Who is the more believable articulator of Obama/Biden’s coal policy?

Leo Gerard, the (Canadian) president of the United Steelworkers union? (Via Obama spokesflack @BenLaBolt)

Mr. Obama is committed to protecting clean air and clean water for our families while also helping the coal industry.

Or would it be… actually, hold on a second.  WHO ASKED foreign-born and foreign-national union leader Gerard his opinion on the 2012 American Presidential election?  WHY did the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette avoid noting that Mr. Gerard is not an American citizen?  And why is an official campaign surrogate like Ben LaBolt uncritically propagate an article where a FOREIGNER went on to directly attack an American politician? Particularly since said foreigner had previously called for a resistance movement in the United States AND was involved in the infamous 1999 WTO riots in Seattle?  Come right down to it, is there a single functional adult and competent political operative ANYWHERE in Obama for America?  At all?

OK.  Mini-rant over. Continue reading Who is the more believable articulator of Obama/Biden’s coal policy?

Aww. Barack Obama *misses* the nice, civilized 2008 election cycle!


I was going to get awesomely cranky about how suddenly Barack Obama is nostalgic about campaigning against that nice John McCain, but then I realized: feeding a man’s narcissism by writing, long involved posts about him helps neither you, nor the narcissist.  So in the interests of Obama’s own mental hygiene, let me be brief:

In 2008 the Obama campaign released an ad that mocked John McCain for his inability to send an email – which infuriated people, because the reason why he can’t send an email is because his arms have never really worked properly after the North Vietnamese got done torturing him.  When Obama’s Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden dared mildly apologize for it, the Obama campaign humiliated Biden by having their lackey Bill Burton come out and retract Biden’s apology.

This is what passed for ‘civility’ in the 2008 election cycle – but I can understand why Obama would get all misty-eyed about those days.  It’s natural for a coward to remember fondly the times when his fights were all with people who wouldn’t – or couldn’t – fight back

Moe Lane (crosspost)

(H/T: Instapundit)

#rsrh Joe Biden Opens His Mouth, Same-Sex Marriage Edition.

He’s for it.

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Fine, so am I.  But you know what the difference between me and Joe Biden is?  My primary site (RedState) doesn’t go into full panic mode every time I happen to mention that; Biden’s (the White House) does. Continue reading #rsrh Joe Biden Opens His Mouth, Same-Sex Marriage Edition.

#rsrh You know who’s loving life today? Joe Freaking Biden, that’s who.

Normally the collective scorn of the blogosphere would be focused like a laser on his… Bidenesque… statement that Senator Stuart Smalley of Minnesota* was a “leading legal scholar.”  As it is, everybody’s all Oh, yeah, Joe Biden opened his mouth and stupidity came out.  Again.  Which is not great, but it’s not actually driving the news.  On the other hand, one presumes that Vice President talks because, somewhere in the recesses of his own private universe, he clutched to belief that doing so will still help his friends?  Somehow?

On the gripping hand, this is possibly the first time in months that Al Franken was actually in the news, even in passing…

Moe Lane

*Also: Fox Nation using that picture for Al Franken was so subtly nasty that I completely missed it at first.

#rsrh Joe Biden Opens His Mou… Oh, crud, he’s got a point this time.

Mark your freaking calendars; this is one time where Biden’s not completely off visiting Yuggoth. Via The Transom comes this not-entirely-incorrect observation:

“I think I can say … no president, and I would argue in the 20th century and including now the 21st century, has had as many serious problems which are cases of first-instance laid on his table,” Biden said. “Franklin Roosevelt faced more dire consequences, but in a bizarre way it was more straightforward.”

Much as I hate to admit it – I’m pretty sure that Ben hated admitting it – Biden does have a not-bad general point.  Particularly when it came to foreign policy: World War II was the last conflict the USA had that could be solved with a good left hook*.  Possibly that’s just nostalgia looking back at a not-really-less-complicated time in history: then again, possibly it’s not.

Moe Lane

*I know that the reality on the ground was a good deal more complex, starting with the fact that we had to make a deal with Lucifer in order to kill Satan.  But at least the ground rules were simple enough: kill every Axis soldier that you see until they run out of soldiers.

#rsrh Joe Biden Opens His Mouth, Osama Raid edition… wait, still need to subcategorize that one.

We’ll take Crazy-Ass Exaggerations for $300, Alex:

You can go back 500 years. You cannot find a more audacious plan. Never knowing for certain. We never had more than a 48 percent probability that he was there.

As Ed Morrissey notes, when you can’t get the Huffington Post to sign off on a stupid thing that a Democratic official says, you have gotten far out in the weeds indeed. I’d also like to add that the Vice President’s words attempt to diminish and dishonor the memory of the men who fought at Inchon; and I note that battle in particular because my own father (who was a good Democrat and Obama supporter, by the way) was one of those men*.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Joe Biden Opens His Mouth, Osama Raid edition… wait, still need to subcategorize that one.

Joe Biden wants the scary, scary Human Events reporter to go away.

First, let’s refresh people’s memory of what happened.

For those without video: basically, what happened was that after Joe Biden Opened His Mouth and announced that voting against the President’s job bill would result in more rapes in Flint, Michigan, Jason Mattera of Human Events confronted the Vice President on Biden’s statement.  If you watch the video, you’ll see that Mattera ‘ambushed’ VP Biden by cruelly saying the magic word ‘picture:’ this of course caused Biden to go into full Pavlovian politician mode… thus freezing him for just long enough for Mattera to ask Biden on the record whether that language was appropriate for a sitting Vice President.  Biden then attempted to push out a cloud of link by standing by his statement that rapes were up three times in Flint – which, by the way, Factcheck.org calls a ‘whopper;’ i.e., a lie – and then made a hasty retreat.

So.  Point to Human Events.  But now it gets better. Continue reading Joe Biden wants the scary, scary Human Events reporter to go away.

#rsrh HAHAHA No.

And Vice President Joe Biden should be grateful that I respect the office he’s currently occupying too much to respond to this as it deserves:

Biden 2016? VP Says “I’ll Make Up My Mind On That Later”

In point of fact: it’ll be the voters who decide that – and at the rate things are going, by 2016 current White House staffers are going to be falsifying their resumes in order to make it look like they were doing something more respectable for the period between 2009-2013.  I recommend the traditional ‘playing piano in a whorehouse,’ if for no other reason than that they’ll find it surprisingly easy to recycle their war stories…

#rsrh Joe Biden Opens His Mouth, 2012 election edition.

Before you watch this clip (via Jim Geraghty), I want you to understand something: this is Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States of America. This is the guy hand-picked by then-Senator Barack Obama to be his wingman. This is the guy that was to have Obama’s back; the person that Obama would trust with the keys; the man who the President could rely on, no matter what. And not just from the point of view of the Presidency: with this pick Barack Obama made it clear that, in his judgment, Joe Biden was the best, most reliable choice out there for the Democratic party.

Got that?

Good. Now watch: Continue reading #rsrh Joe Biden Opens His Mouth, 2012 election edition.