A helpful seminar on Backerkit.

On the topic of splash pages (I’ve since updated it: see here for the new version). I do have to say that Backerkit has consistently been a genuinely helpful resource for me in my crowdfunding activities. Their staff is responsive and professional, the company make a lot of resources available for crowdfunders to use, and the resources are legitimately useful. I can happily recommend them for anybody interested in getting the most out of their crowdfunding.

Yeah, this just looks better than what I had put up originally.

TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, Vol 1 going on sale on Kindle for the Kickstarter.

Just what it says on the tin. TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, Vol 1 will be on sale in Kindle for 99 cents, starting Saturday.

Give yourself a chance to see if you like the concept before you Kickstart the second volume!

…Or you could just get it now. Now would be fine. You deserve good things.


Call for action: my new Kickstarter! (TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, Vol 2)

It starts in five days! Click here or here to sign up for notifications for when my second round of post-apocalyptic fantasy stories in a future America gone mad with magic goes live!

If you’re not sure whether this series is right for you, my books FROZEN DREAMS and TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, Vol 1 are both available on Kindle, for a mere three bucks each.

Check them out today! And check out the Kickstarter, too!


Call for feedback on the Kickstarter.

I am almost ready to send the Kickstarter in for review (I still have to do a video). I doubt there’s going to be any problems, but that’s when you check harder, right? In the spirit of that: if you want to take a look at said Kickstarter and give me some feedback, feel free to let me know in comments and I’ll email you a link.

Also: if you want to be a beta reader for the stories, again, let me know in comments.

Doing the Kickstarter paperwork.

Yay! It’ll take me a couple of days to finish it, though. Aside from everything else, I have to film a video, and that’s always fun. I’m tentatively trying to have the Kickstarter up and running by the end of the month. Once I have an idea of my funding situation, I can start with the beta reading and whatnot. So… keep watching the skies!

In the meantime… buy my books?


Crunching Kickstarter numbers: BANSHEE BEACH, or TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2?

It’s not the easiest answer. The advantages for doing BANSHEE BEACH: it’s a novel. I got more backers for my novel Kickstarters than for the others. There may be more of a market, downstream. Disadvantages: the novel is not finished*, and I need a much larger goal than usual.

Advantages for TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2: the stories are written. I can advertise BANSHEE BEACH with it by taking the self-contained story in that book and putting it in the collection. I don’t need cover art (I already have it, for another project) or a map. It’s cheaper to finance. The goal is smaller. Disadvantages: doing that pushes BANSHEE BEACH to 2025, probably.

It’s a balancing act, really. Thoughts?

Moe Lane

*The goal is to get the manuscript much closer to ready by the end of the year, and possibly in draft form by the end of January.

The Claudia Christian’s Musketeers vs. Cthulhu RPG Kickstarter.

Note the name: Claudia Christian’s Musketeers vs. Cthulhu RPG. When it comes to marketing, Nightfall Games knows what they’re about. I am not so much part of the target demographic as I am contentedly living in its bullseye. Oh, and I asked, so that you don’t have to: it’s ethically sourced. They’re printing it in either England, or Lithuania.

Moe Lane

PS: The comic book series that the Kickstarter is based off of is apparently upcoming. I have no more information about it, but would love to hear some.

Once again I am calling upon people to get to the point in their Kickstarter videos.

If it takes me more than thirty seconds to figure out what the hell who you are and what your Kickstarter is about, you’ve failed to communicate. I know, I know: when it comes to TTRPGs, it doesn’t matter because those always fund* anyway. But you should still quickly get to the point. It’s good for you!

Moe Lane

PS: No, I’m not saying what the project was, because I already forgot its name, didn’t save the page, and don’t feel like looking it up. Take that as a testament to how bad the video was.

*This is actually not quite true.