The Cautionary Fables and Fairy Tales: Asia Kickstarter.

Link.  Kate Ashwin of Widdershins is one of the two people who put these compliations together, and since Widdershins is one of my favorite webcomics, it’s not hard for me to justify putting down twenty bucks for the project.  I have the first two in this ‘series,’ and they are neat-o.

My inevitable combination #DeltaGreen Kickstarter / Patreon post…

Now that the game has hit $260,000 on Kickstarter, I’m gonna show you folks the latest Patreon short-short-short that I wrote for my Patreon account: 100WS-ElderGod.  It really and truly is a Cthulhu Mythos story! Just… from the other side.

I’ve also updated my Patreon milestones with a $200/month tier.  It will upgrade the $60/month one: instead of a 1,000 short-short-short story per month, my patrons will get a 3,000 short story. I figure that I’ll figure out how to write them by then…

The Delta Green Kickstarter finally created “I want everything” tiers.

I understand why they held off on that – Kickstarter is useful as a servant, bloody dangerous as a master – but I found it cruel, cruel hard to wait.  However… for a mere $300 you can have every Delta Green product that they’ve funded or will fund in this Kickstarter.  Which is pretty nice, from the point of view of just the hardcovers: player’s guide, GM’s guide (yes, they explicitly said that this tier will get you both), GM’s screen, King in Yellow campaign sourcebook, Pelgrane Press’s ‘historical’ Delta Green game… and it’s safe to assume that the introductory campaign book is going to get funded at this point, and very likely the Majestic-12 sourcebook, too.  Add in all the PDFs and it’s getting to be a haul.

And for another fifty bucks, you get all the old stuff in PDF/e-book form, too. That, I won’t bother with, because I already have it. But if you don’t… well, I’m not saying don’t do it.  I mean, you’ve come this far, right?

The Delta Green KS passes $180K, and my bank account screams…

…as now I have to squeeze another fifty bucks out of it to get the next unlocked tier item.  I mean, what am I gonna do? Pass up a King In Yellow campaign book? I know darned well I’m just going to buy it anyway.

Well, the good news?  There’s only currently a few more items that might force me to torture my bank account further until it gives up the cash.  No more than… [click click click] …one hundred bucks.  Sorry, no: one hundred and five.


Dag, but these people know how to properly exploit geeklust.

Continue reading The Delta Green KS passes $180K, and my bank account screams…

18 Days to go on the Delta Green Kickstarter.

…and it’s going well. And by which I mean it’s taken up every penny that I have been given or scrounged to this point*, and promises to bust my budget some more in the very near future. The shipping charges on this are going to be huge. HUGE!

The folks at Arc Dream** are pretty much pushing this Kickstarter across the social medias as well. ‘Mediae?’ – At any rate, the more places it ends up, the more free stuff I get as an insanely all-in backer. So let’s not pretend that I’m an disinterested observer here, OK?

Moe Lane

*I did not collect the $250 in one day to hit that ‘buy the six volumes hardback’ goal, alas.  Which is just as well; there’s a lot of discrete hardbacks appearing in this Kickstarter.

**For those coming in late: Delta Green is ‘Cthulhu Mythos’ meets ‘X-Files’ meets ‘Your guns won’t save you.’ Definite cult status among roleplayers, if you’ll pardon the pun…

Assuming anybody cares about the one-day pledge drive…

…and, let’s be honest? It was one of the sillier ones I’ve done.  You thus are under no obligation to care.  Anyway: thanks to a new wonderful donator, I’ll be able to grab one of the add-on PDFs*. Awesome!

No, really. It’s always awesome to get paid for something. People who sneer at that probably have other issues in life, poor things. As for me, I shall read my PDF in contentment. …And, well, in existential horror, because it’s Delta Green.

Moe Lane Continue reading Assuming anybody cares about the one-day pledge drive…

THE DELTA GREEN KICKSTARTER IS LIVE. (With a one-day pledge drive.)

Am I shouting? I am shouting. It is live, and it is spectacular.

…And, what the heck: one-day pledge drive. I will spend whatever I get on the Delta Green Kickstarter: if I somehow manage to hit $250 (I will not manage to hit $250) I’ll get the six-book option and… we’ll figure something out at that point. Maybe I’ll host a contest and give ’em out as prizes. Maybe I’ll send a couple to the troops. Maybe I’ll just cackle madly and run a game via Skype. There’s just no way to know what will happen!

…Sorry. I’ve wanted a new edition for, like, forever. Delta Green and In Nomine remain my two favorite game worlds.

Interesting new Kickstarter: Mech Deck. (Tabletop modular battle mecha game)

Very interesting looking:

Basically, you create unique mecha from modular components (literally: you put together your plastic mecha from parts) and then duke it out. Random generation of terrain, what looks like turn-based, dice-roll combat. I tossed in a buck because I’ll be blessed if I can figure out who to play it with, but it looks pretty cool. Check it out if you like mecha and/or wargaming.

And who knows? I might end up getting a full version anyway.

Via @cmvbrielman.