Ah, First World Problems.

I’m at a bit of an impasse, here.  I have sucked out all the juices possible for Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic 2.  I’ve long since gotten everything that I was going to get out of Dragon Age 2; I’m now just waiting for the next DLC. Mass Effect 3 Collector’s Edition is months away.  Right now, I have two choices: try to get back into Assassin’s Creed 2, or else fire up Deus Ex: Human Revolution.  The problem with the former is that I probably really do need to pick up something like Xbox 360 Controller if I want to play the game; the problem with the latter is that I had it reserved for January or February, when the ME3 shakes would start really getting bad.

Anybody got an opinion? – You don’t have to have one, by the way.  As I said, this is a First World problem.  I should just be grateful that I have access to clean water, food, and clothing.

Help. KOTOR is eating my brain.

And let me tell you: playing it after playing KOTOR 2 is hurting my brain.  Was the sequel as gleeful as the original at trying to send your character spiraling inward to the Dark Side, and I just don’t remember? – because Knights of the Old Republic seems pretty damned determined to bring me down.  And I understand that it gets worse as you go on.

Fun game, though.

So… this ‘Steam’ thing.

Is it useful?  I note that it seems to have the first Knights of the Old Republic on it; my existing copy doesn’t work on the latest version of Windows.  Does Steam address that problem with its electronic downloads?

Also: I have actually received a complaint that my personal PayPal donation button is too hard to find.  Far be it from me to keep people from keeping me in geekstuff: it’s now on the sidebar, above the Attackwatch report button. And also below:

Mass Effect 3 trailer.

Apparently, we have to wait a year until the game’s out, darn it.


…and no final DLC announced yet for Mass Effect 2.  I just finished my second KOTOR 2 run-through (with desultory thoughts of doing a third, only different character class and gender); what am I going to do until Dragon Age 2 comes out?