07/14/22, Patreon Pledge Drive.

Spent the afternoon putting the entirety of the AS THE GOLDEN EMPEROR LIES DYING King In Yellow RPG setting together. You can download it here: this one, I made available for everybody. You can also read a short story based on this setting (“Le Roi Est Mort”) in my chapbook DECISIONS. That one, you’re gonna have to buy.


This month’s Patreon stuff is up.

Behold! The power of spite.

  • As the Golden Emperor Lies Dying, Part 1: Steampunk Hastur Mythos alternate history horror campaign setting involving me doing horrible things to Emperor Norton I because it’s horror.
  • Le Roi Est Mort: Straight-up Mythos fiction. It might even be grimdark. I dunno if people will like it, but I had fun writing it.

Spent most of the day finishing these up, but that’s the job for you.