Day 23, TINSEL RAIN NaNoWriMo: 47328/60000.

Technically, the number is 50,000, so I could technically finish tomorrow or Wednesday. Realistically, it should be 80,000 but that’s really hard to do in a month without special training and no distractions. 60,000 is at about the height of my current prowess.

But I did write the ending today. Now we start throwing piles of words at places that I skipped over the first time!

Continue reading Day 23, TINSEL RAIN NaNoWriMo: 47328/60000.

Day 20, TINSEL RAIN NaNoWriMo: 41246/60000

Went well, although I’m going to need that extra 20 grand in wordcount to make this book coherent when it’s done. Also: margaritas! I wrote before I drank, don’t worry. But the week I had more or less required a discreet amount of tequila.

Continue reading Day 20, TINSEL RAIN NaNoWriMo: 41246/60000

Day 18, TINSEL RAIN NaNoWriMo: 37138/60000.

Today was almost a complete bye day – my youngest had to go to the dentist to get some baby teeth taken out, and that more or less torpedoed my schedule – but I did manage to get enough of my brain together to write some fight scene. Fortunately, I have a buffer, so I’m still ahead of my target number! Unfortunately, I now need to rebuild the buffer before Thanksgiving! Ach, well.

Continue reading Day 18, TINSEL RAIN NaNoWriMo: 37138/60000.

Day 16, TINSEL RAIN NaNoWriMo Kickstarter: 34374/60000.

It’s starting to cohere. Maybe. I think. Gonna be a Frankenstein* of a book at 60K, though. I need to add at least 20K to it… probably next year.

*Somebody recently noted that knowledge is knowing Frankenstein’s creation is the monster; wisdom is knowing that Frankenstein himself is. I more or less agree with this.

Continue reading Day 16, TINSEL RAIN NaNoWriMo Kickstarter: 34374/60000.