#rsrh Chris Christie: “Get the h*ll off the beach.”

Yes.  This is good advice.

Let me tell you: there’s nothing like hearing the Governor of New Jersey tell people who live one town over from your widowed mother (living six blocks from the ocean) to stand not on the order of their coming, but go at once.  Gives you a certain urgency to the day.

#rsrh Almighty taking sides in New Jersey budget fight?

No, of course not – although I seem to recall something from my misspent teenaged years about people confidently declaring that God was a Republican.  Can’t remember for the life of me whether or not they were being sarcastic – or how they were being sarcastic, either. 

One thing’s for certain, though: Senate President Steve Sweeney ain’t going to be saying “May God strike me down dead if I lie…” anytime soon:

Lightning Almost Hits Christie Foe On TV: MyFoxPHILLY.com

Gotta wonder how close the strike was, though.  That kind of looked like a two-for-flinching moment for Sweeney, there (yeah, like I wouldn’t have dived for cover)…


Chris Christie’s… NAZI JERSEY!

Today’s let’s-urinate-on-the-memory-of-Nazi-victims comes to us courtesy of  Communications Workers of America International Vice President Christopher Shelton, who seems to be having difficulty telling the difference between murdering millions of people in literal carload lots, and ending public sector employees’ ability to collectively bargain over how much of said people’s work-offered health insurance policies has to come out of their pocket.  And by ‘be having difficulty telling’ I mean ‘is too cognitively impared to recognize.’  Watch the video yourself before you tell me I’m wrong:

Yeah.  When the first words out of your mouth include “Welcome to Nazi Germany,” (and you end by threatening to start World War III in your home state) you have a problem with your rhetoric.  Because, generally speaking, the ability to claim that one is in a fascist dictatorship and police state that ruthlessly suppresses dissent and persecutes minorities and get away with it is usually an unsubtle hint that one is in fact not in a fascist dictatorship, etc, etc, etc.  People who are actually in fascist dictatorships, etc, etc, etc, generally don’t bring up the subject in public.  And they certainly don’t do it over a loudspeaker. Continue reading Chris Christie’s… NAZI JERSEY!

#rsrh NJ State legislator has too much free time…

…which she (name’s Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker, D-Essex) is using to propose a law mandating license plates for bikes.  $10 or face a fine of $100, renew every two years, and I can’t wait for the first news reports of kids being dinged with  this.

No, kids will get dinged with this.  It’s the government: you can always count on somebody in it to do something obliviously damfool in front of a reporter.  It’s practically a natural law, or something.  But, hey: I’m glad that New Jersey has solved all of its real problems already…

Via Drudge.

Rothman chief of staff arrested on child solicitation charges.

Yesterday the report came out that Bob Decheine, chief of staff for Rep. Steve Rothman (D, NJ), had been abruptly fired.  This came as a bit of a surprise, as Decheine has been a notable figure in NJ Democratic politics: he was a senior adviser to the Obama campaign in 2008, and as Rothman’s CoS had just shepherded his boss to another win in Congress, by fair means or foul.  In other words, a bit of a surprise, no?  Turns out Decheine got arrested last week for soliciting sex from a minor.  It was a sting operation, which means that – thank God – no kids were hurt by this guy.

This time: because unless we’re really, really lucky this creep* has been doing this for a while.  So now would be a good time for people to come forward with any evidence that they might have about this Decheine’s past activities.  Because if it turns out that there’s a history that those people didn’t talk about… well.  The longer it stays hidden, the worse it’ll smell when it’s exhumed.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*If Rothman’s office is treating this accusation as fully justified and incontestable – and an instant-firing qualifies for that descriptor – then why shouldn’t I?

PS: More details here.

#rsrh “‘Me first’ rallies.”

Via Fausta’s Blog, today’s moment of Chris Christie awesomeness.

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…the best quote from that?

…they had a rally in Trenton against me. 35,000 people came from the teachers. You know what that rally was? The “me first” rally. “Pay me my raise first. Pay me my free health benefits first. Pay me my pension first. And everybody else in New Jersey, get to the back of the line.” Well, you know what? I’m not going to sit by and allow that to go unnoticed, so we’ll shine a bright light on it, and we’ll see how the people react.

Continue reading #rsrh “‘Me first’ rallies.”

Steve Rothman (D, NJ-09) hates video cameras.

Today’s “Whoops. Somebody was recording that?” moment will be brought to you today by Rep. Steve Rothman (D, NJ-09):

‘Portability’ in this context refers to the ability of people to take their health care plan with them if they lose their jobs – a feature not found in Obamacare, and one of four supposed deal-killers for Rep. Rothman. As you can see from the video, he was unhappy to be called an oathbreaker, and very unhappy to be asked why NJ-09 voters should be expected to still vote for an oathbreaker*. The awkward body language there is astounding, in fact: even if you’re aware of how safe a seat NJ-09 is normally considered for the Democrats it’s slightly startling that somebody so self-evidently constitutionally incapable of being criticized has managed to survive in it for a decade. The answer, of course, is that up until now nobody was getting things on permanent record…

Hey, we have a candidate opposing him! Michael Agosta. Apparently, it was a somewhat vigorous primary, too. That’s always good; shows that people are taking an interest.

Continue reading Steve Rothman (D, NJ-09) hates video cameras.

#rsrh Another NJ corrupt politician (D) sentenced.

Via Dan Riehl I see that another corrupt politician (Leona Beldini) nabbed in last year’s roundup has been sentenced:

A former Jersey City deputy mayor has been sentenced to three years in prison in the largest federal probe of political corruption in New Jersey.


The Democrat was arrested last year in a sting that resulted in charges against her and 45 others. Twenty defendants have pleaded guilty or been convicted so far, including a defendant Monday.

You know, I think that it was this event that actually let me believe that maybe, just maybe, Christie was going to win the election.  I mean, really believe it.  The thought that there were limits to what New Jersey was going to tolerate in the Democratic party, that is.  Living in that state as I did until 2001, I had to wonder, sometimes.

Moe Lane

Lots of Primaries today.

According to RCP, we’ve got primaries in California, Iowa, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Virginia.  The news has been dominated by California’s, Nevada’s, and of course South Carolina’s – but they’re all important, so if you’re a voter in that state, hie yourselves and any reliable Republican voters within reach to a polling station.  You can let the Democrats in your life sleep in, particularly in New Jersey and Virginia.

Also: KEEP YOUR VIDEO CAMERAS HANDY, PARTICULARLY IF YOU LIVE IN SOUTH CAROLINA.  Anti-reform opponents of Nikki Haley and Bill Connor may be now past the point where their shenanigans can shape public opinion in time for the actual primary election, but there’s plenty of things that you can do to illicitly affect an election.  Fortunately, sunlight is an excellent disinfectant – and, remember: as Mark Steyn notes here, Helen Thomas was taken down by a flipcam.  There’s a reason that both Instapundit and I keep harping on this…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

You know what’s a great antidote for a rotten mood?

Because I was having one: long story, but it involved wondering what I’ve been doing lately. Then I see this:

Gov Christie calls S-L columnist thin-skinned for inquiring about his ‘confrontational tone’

(See also: Hot Air, AoSHQ)

…and I realize that one thing I’ve been doing lately is helping people like Chris Christie get elected.

You’re welcome.

Moe Lane

PS: No. Get your own.

Crossposted to RedState.