Apparently, there were three. Honest Trailers feels that only one’s worth watching, but you knew that going in. Guess which one it was? …That’s right: not the Disney one.
This Pinocchio is stop-motion, and looks a good deal more interesting than the life-action version the Mouse just did. But that just may be the sleep madness talking…
The ‘So, how did you solve the Uncanny Valley problem?’ live-action PINOCCHIO trailer.
It’s fascinating. I’m not entirely certain they showed Pinocchio moving at any point during this trailer. Maybe he’s in that crowd of kids about to go down the down-plank. Maybe.
Gotta wonder why there’s no scenes of the golem carved to resemble a human boy moving around the town – no, wait, I know why. It’s because they made that movie already, and it was called EDWARD SCISSORHANDS. …And no, I don’t know why this particular live-action adaptation is making me salty. It’s just a movie, right?
Moe Lane
The ‘I was expecting more body horror’ Guillermo del Toro PINOCCHIO Netflix trailer.
Sorry, but I was. I mean, this PINOCCHIO doesn’t particularly messed up at all. Is that… allowed?
Full points for stop-motion, though.