#rsrh Now I have an iPad2. #p2


Hey, the doorbell just rang.  What could it be?

Could it be?  Could it be?

It is, it is!   It’s my pledge drive iPad2! A day early, too.

Again, I’d like to thank everyone involved for said pledge drive: but there’s one person in particular that deserves special attention…

Continue reading #rsrh Now I have an iPad2. #p2

I join the Cult of Jobs.

Now that the aforementioned government shutdown has been averted, it was time to endgame the pledge drive. So… it is purchased*. 32GB, 3G iPad2: it should be arriving this time next month. After that, it’s just a matter of picking up various wires and peripherals and doohickeys and whatnot. And updating the wish list, of course.

Thanks again to everybody who contributed to the pledge drive.

Moe Lane

*Just in time, too: my eldest spilled a cup of seltzer onto the netbook, which is currently drying out in a pile of uncooked rice.

Update on the (now past) iPad2 pledge drive.

If you’re wondering why I haven’t reported ordering one yet, three words: potential government shutdown.  Which has absolutely no effect on the money that was raised, but unfortunately has an impact on the personal/household funds that I had earmarked to make up the difference.  So the cash stays where it is until the situation gets resolved*; worst-case scenario, I’ll give refunds.  Best case scenario, the Democrats wise up next week and stop trying to play chicken with the economy, and I can finally buy the blessed thing.

By the way… if a government shutdown is the only way that we can make the Democrats understand that we have to stop spending money that we don’t actually have, then that’s what has to happen and me and mine will just have to deal with the consequences.  And, yeah, it kind of sucks to have to take a fiscal/ethical position that promises to personally make my life more difficult, but it’d suck more to go the other way on this one.

Moe Lane

*Translation: no, I’m not hitting people up for more money.

Day Four, Guerrilla Video Pledge Drive ([Bleep] Just Got Real)

Day Three of the pledge drive for an iPad2 for on-the-fly video editing went not quite as well as Day Two; but it went better than Day One, so we’re still on track.  We’re on track.  Before I go further, first let me make an administrative note to folks who send hate mail.  Get on your game, people.  I just don’t give out valuable front page mockery-space to every dumb bunny who can string along enough words in English to create a semi-coherent whine.  You have to be creatively awful.  If you’re not making your mother go to your room and quietly cry in shame for raising you that way, then don’t bother getting suited up and on the courts, ‘kay?  To misquote Screwtape, I wouldn’t deign to throw any of Wednesday’s haters to the hellhounds.

Sorry.  I need to do this sort of outreach, from time to time.

Anyway, Day Four.  Time to do a change-up: we’ve talked about hate, so let’s talk about sadness.

Continue reading Day Four, Guerrilla Video Pledge Drive ([Bleep] Just Got Real)

Day 3, Guerrilla Video Pledge Drive (with Hate Mail!)

I did fairly well yesterday – about 20% or so of what I was hoping to acquire, actually.  And, remember how I was telling you that there are “people out there who find my posts obnoxious, my style grating, and my cheerful inability to perceive their greatness intolerable“?  Here, meet one of them.  From the mailbag, regarding my NPR post*:

Remember: this person does not want me to have an iPad2.  If I end up with an iPad2 and this person doesn’t have one, that will gnaw at his/her entrails until the end of time itself.  And if I end up with an iPad2 and this person does have one, it will be as ashes in his or her mouth to know that one of them has the same Holy Object and is using it to help with electing more… Republicans.  And conservatives.


Moe Lane

*Must have been the ‘trash behavior’ bit.  Some of these people absolutely hate having it pointed out when they’re being low-rent.

Nobody loves me, everybody hates me…

…think I’ll go eat worms*.

Nah, not really, but the first day of the Guerrilla Video pledge drive didn’t go well.  Either PayPal isn’t taking donations, or else nobody made any.  I’m guessing the latter; which is no doubt pleasing mightily a couple of people out there who find my posts obnoxious, my style grating, and my cheerful inability to perceive their greatness intolerable.  Those people are now smiling, and are as close as they ever get to being happy, and are now waiting patiently for tomorrow’s pledge drive update.

Just saying.

Moe Lane

*No, it’s a song.