Now is the time to read *and review* GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND!

The print version of GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is off for review, and hopefully it’ll be approved in the next couple of days. Equally hopefully, I’ll have copies for Doxacon. In the meantime: once you’re done with the book, don’t forget to review it on Amazon and Goodreads! Reviews (and ratings) are the lifeblood of modern authors. The more there are, the more interest is taken in the book. The more interest is taken, the better the sale numbers — which is how you get authors to get more books published. ‘Tis the Circle of Print, although hopefully with fewer dead zebra.

Moe Lane

Dark Dungeons, the movie: the review. (@Dark_Dungeons)

As most of you probably are all too aware of by now, I enthusiastically backed the Kickstarter to turn Jack Chick’s infamous Dark Dungeons comic into a movie. For the few that read here and who aren’t aware, Jack Chick is a… well, he’s a cartoonist that has drawn and published some incredibly horrible, hate-filled, and just generally awful tracts that are ostensibly about how great Christianity is, but seem sometimes more like the agitprop that Satan would have written in order to discredit Christianity.  Chick has quite the ironic following, however, because it doesn’t matter who you are and what you do: Jack Chick has drawn a tract attacking you.

And the greatest of his tracts has got to be Dark Dungeons, which reveals how Satan will destroy the world via roleplaying games.  This led JR Ralls to – and I still don’t know how he managed to wrangle permission* – convince Jack Chick Publications to grant him the film rights to the comic, and for Ralls to produce the Dark Dungeons movie.  I have finally gotten a chance to watch it, and will discuss it after the fold.

Continue reading Dark Dungeons, the movie: the review. (@Dark_Dungeons)