04/09/21 Revision, MORGAN BAROD.

I am not precisely stuck on Chapter 17. I’m just trying to figure out the best way to change it. My first thought was there was going to be a crime, Morgan Barod thwarts it, there’s an execution of the criminal, then there’s a fight scene… it can’t be sustained by the timeline. So I’m just going to have the crime, the thwarting, and then the fight scene. Much more seamless all around.

Praise Jesus: the Morgan Barod revision is in the can.

80,012 words as of today. I don’t need MORGAN BAROD to stay above 80K, strictly speaking. I just needed it to get above it once and have everything done so that I can send it to Alpha and later Beta readers next month.

If you’re interested in that, by the way, feel free to let me know in comments.

08/26/2020 Update, MORGAN BAROD revision: 77,850/80,000.

Mostly me punching up some fight scenes, adding a few bits of exposition, that sort of thing. I think that I’ve added all the extra scenes that NEED to be added; the rest is just smoothing out. I’ve got about 20,000 words left to review; adding a little over 2,000 isn’t going to be too difficult, methinks.

But nothing to excerpt, really.