I finally watched Gamers 2: Dorkness Rising…

One of the people from the Sunday game brought it over, in lieu of us having an actual roleplaying game session tonight; and, yeah, it’s both a perfect representation of how people really roleplay, and why we really roleplay*. Well worth the time to watch.

You shall see no apologies for the ways of my people here; but if you want to figure us out – or you just miss the clatter of dice – check this one out.

Moe Lane

*Because it’s fun, that’s why.

In which I glom onto the electronic publishing RPG craze.

You may have noted that I’ve put up the fact in the sidebar that I’m part of the Drive Thru RPG affiliate program. These guys do PDF publishing, which is actually a pretty handy way to get access to roleplaying game material that’s: a, obscure; b, out of print; or c, privately generated. I bought my copy of Ken Hite’s Dubious Shards there (very good combination of analysis of the Cthulhu Mythos, with a Delta Green adventure added in); I’ll probably pick up Tour de Lovecraft if/when I ever get the money together to get away with buying it.

Also, check out e23, which is Steve Jackson Games‘ own electronic publishing store.  I don’t see anything from that, but it’s got a lot of good stuff in it anyway.