“I’m just playing my character!”

The video below should be useful material for any gamers out there trying to convince their GMs that, yea, indeed, their character with the peg-leg can do that ridiculously acrobatic thing after all:

Remember: your PC does have that high a level in his or her dexterity/coordination/agility stat, and he or she does have his or her dancing/acrobatics/tumbling skill maxed out. Or he or she should, at least, if you’re trying to justify tap dancing with a peg-leg to a GM.  The point is that your PC really is a beautiful and unique snowflake; that’s part of the point in playing a roleplaying game in the first place*.

Moe Lane

*For the non gamer geeks: this assertion is not… universally held.

Hey, In Nomine* Superiors: Zadkiel is out!

How did I miss this… oh, right, new baby.

Yeah, I should get back to more roleplaying geekery.  Heck, between the new kid and the slightly older one it’s been hard to even throw dice down recently.

Moe Lane

*For those wondering: In Nomine is a RPG that intersects angels, demons, and automatic weaponry.  It’s my favorite roleplaying setting in the whole wide world, and I really should start another campaign in it.

OK, this is kind of funny, if you’re a gamer.

There are apparently two R. Borgstroms in the gaming world: there’s Rebecca Borgstrom, who wrote Nobilis*…

…$150?  Excuse me while I get my copy out of the reach of children and into an inert nitrogen atmosphere.

…and then there’s Rolfe Borgstrom, who got mentioned in this article about gaming out Land of the Lost.  The main site (Transitive Property of Gaming) looks interesting, too.  As for the article… true enough, as far as it goes; but you should also try GURPS Dinosaurs & Cadillacs & Dinosaurs: there was also one involving an alien planet, dinosaurs, and cowboys, but the title has slipped my mind.

What? No, actually, I know plenty of women who game. My wife’s a GM, in fact. Why do you ask?

Moe Lane

*Which I personally feel would be just crying out for a d20 version, if only I had any morally justifiable reason to be that nihilistic and cruel.