It has now been *ten* months since the Wasilla Church Burning.

I posted on this three months ago – and in those three months: if there has been anything done by the current government in investigating this hate crime that would merit an update, I haven’t found it.  Somebody attempted to murder several women and children via arson, and it’s becoming depressingly clear that that person (or persons) has gotten away with it clean.

This offends me.  It should offend you.  If it doesn’t, I don’t really care what your excuse is.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Pre-debunking the next Palin book rumor.

Got this one off of the Amazon discussion thread of Going Rogue: An American Life – well, one of the threads. Anyway, expect to see people actually arguing that the reason that the book is selling like hotcakes on and is because supposedly the VRWC is out there making mass pre-orders.  Let’s take it now to Peter Sultan, the commenter who did a nice job throttling this one in its crib:

Umm, not really.

These books are ordered by individuals. A “pre-order” is not a request that a bookstore obtain the book so it can be picked up an purchased later. A pre-order is giving amazon or barnes & noble, etc an *actual* order for the book, with payment method and everything.

So hopefully that will settle the matter.

Moe Lane

PS: I will not dignify any suggestion that I brought this all up solely for the purposes of filthy lucre with a response.

Boehner to White House: You’ve been dodging our calls since April.

I’m translating this into English, of course – but not too much; Boehner made it clear Monday that the White House was disinterested in getting anything except a rubber-stamp on health care.

Earlier this year, GOP leaders sent a letter to the president in May stating that they would like to work with the administration to find “common ground” on healthcare reform.

But the administration responded with a tersely worded letter indicating that they had healthcare reform under control.

Continue reading Boehner to White House: You’ve been dodging our calls since April.

Sarah Palin’s Wall Street Journal Health Care Op-Ed.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers.

Former governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin wrote a pretty good op-ed for the Wall Street Journal on the health care situation – one where she points out, repeatedly, that we’re being asked to blindly fund a government program that will affect every aspect of our life and will not save us money in either the short or long term.  As Ace of Spades notes, this is not going to cover new ground for the people already intimately familiar with the debate – but for those who aren’t, it will give a good idea of conservative objections to Obamacare, not to mention providing the alternatives that the Democrats are pretending that the Republicans aren’t providing.  All in all, useful and timely.

And, as an added, special bonus, it includes the written equivalent of a smack on the nose:

Now look at one way Mr. Obama wants to eliminate inefficiency and waste: He’s asked Congress to create an Independent Medicare Advisory Council—an unelected, largely unaccountable group of experts charged with containing Medicare costs. In an interview with the New York Times in April, the president suggested that such a group, working outside of “normal political channels,” should guide decisions regarding that “huge driver of cost . . . the chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives . . . .”

Given such statements, is it any wonder that many of the sick and elderly are concerned that the Democrats’ proposals will ultimately lead to rationing of their health care by—dare I say it—death panels? Establishment voices dismissed that phrase, but it rang true for many Americans. Working through “normal political channels,” they made themselves heard, and as a result Congress will likely reject a wrong-headed proposal to authorize end-of-life counseling in this cost-cutting context. But the fact remains that the Democrats’ proposals would still empower unelected bureaucrats to make decisions affecting life or death health-care matters. Such government overreaching is what we’ve come to expect from this administration.

Continue reading Sarah Palin’s Wall Street Journal Health Care Op-Ed.

Palin in demand from GOP candidates.

It’s the little things in a post sometimes that stand out. From this Politico article on possible future opportunities for the former Governor of Alaska:

…over 120 candidates for office have asked her to appear, including folks running for Senate, House and state Legislature…

That’s… quite a few, actually. And the list is only going to get larger.

Moe Lane

PS: If you’re the type to comfort yourself with the thought that maybe the majority of those requests for former Governor Palin’s presence are from state candidates, well: the state legislatures are where we train folks for the House and Senate. And while she’ll be a great fundraising draw for House and Senate candidates, she’ll be an insanely good one for state races.

PPS: Yes, I’m assuming that most if not all of these requests are from Republican candidates. Trust me, if a significant number were third-party the Left would be falling all over themselves to tell me about it. She seems to have that effect on people.

Crossposted to RedState.

Andrew McCarthy: I can’t spare this woman. She fights.

Ace over at AoSHQ wrote a reasonably comprehensive, well-worth-reading post about why he agreed with Andrew McCarthy disagreeing with the NRO editorial board over ex-Gov. Palin’s successful use of ‘death panel‘ rhetoric in shaping the debate.  I’m not going to try to reinvent the wheel; as I said, Ace’s post is well worth reading.  I’m just going to note that I’ve spent the last day or so trying to figure out a way to get Palin to favorably mention tort reform in her next Facebook note… and that it never even occurred to me to try to get the NRO editorial board on-message.

Not that it wouldn’t be great if they did, of course.  It’s just… well…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

[UPDATE]: Language is a bit rough, but you’ll probably like the sentiments.

Sen. Grassley: ‘Death Panels’ are out.

Palin, 1: Left, 0.

Mind you, this is just from one version of the multiple health care rationing bills that the Democrats tried – and failed – to rush through Congress, but one step at a time.

The Senate Finance Committee will drop a controversial provision on consultations for end-of-life care from its proposed healthcare bill, its top Republican member said Thursday.

The committee, which has worked on putting together a bipartisan healthcare reform bill, will drop the controversial provision after it was derided by conservatives as “death panels” to encourage euthanasia.

Also, note the use of the term ‘conservatives.’ A rather odd term of art there, but if the article were to use the name ‘Sarah Palin’ it might suggest that a portion of the Democrats’ health care rationing scheme could have been neatly derailed by two Facebook posts by that woman.  Which can’t be allowed to happen at all, at all: why, the very idea is absurd!  Everybody knows that you have to graduate from an Ivy League school in order to be permitted to have any influence at all in public domestic policy debates.

Seriously.  It’s in the Constitution somewhere.  Look it up.

Moe Lane

PS: To answer Allahpundit; it’d be a potential win for the President if Gibbs had only kept his mouth shut.  In other words: no, it’s not a win for the President, too.

Crossposted to RedState.

Camille Paglia has no buyer’s remorse.

But the day is young.

Which should relieve the administration, given what she might have written if she did:

…I must confess my dismay bordering on horror at the amateurism of the White House apparatus for domestic policy. When will heads start to roll? I was glad to see the White House counsel booted, as well as Michelle Obama’s chief of staff, and hope it’s a harbinger of things to come. Except for that wily fox, David Axelrod, who could charm gold threads out of moonbeams, Obama seems to be surrounded by juvenile tinhorns, bumbling mediocrities and crass bully boys.

Case in point: the administration’s grotesque mishandling of healthcare reform, one of the most vital issues facing the nation. Ever since Hillary Clinton’s megalomaniacal annihilation of our last best chance at reform in 1993 (all of which was suppressed by the mainstream media when she was running for president), Democrats have been longing for that happy day when this issue would once again be front and center.

But who would have thought that the sober, deliberative Barack Obama would have nothing to propose but vague and slippery promises — or that he would so easily cede the leadership clout of the executive branch to a chaotic, rapacious, solipsistic Congress? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom I used to admire for her smooth aplomb under pressure, has clearly gone off the deep end with her bizarre rants about legitimate town-hall protests by American citizens.

Continue reading Camille Paglia has no buyer’s remorse.

So, about that Palin libel suit…

From the While I Was Busy files.

Yeah, that was really dumb of that Left-blogger, huh? Spreads a malicious rumor (via a CNN Trig Truther with an extremely bad track record at accurately reporting on the former Governor) that the Palins are divorcing, gets debunked pretty much immediately*, has his real name and job (not to mention his habit of attacking children) tracked down and revealed, and faster than you can say “no ‘public figure’ defense” he’s being threatened with a libel suit.

All in all, I don’t think that this was the intended result.

Not being an attorney, I don’t know whether the public figure defense does or does not apply here; but if it does go to trial, this Gryphen fellow will almost certainly lose.  I am given to understand that judges tend not to be sympathetic to people who lose libel cases when it comes to determining who pays for court costs – but if the Online Left wants to keep subsidizing the Palins’ legal team’s administration of some long-overdue negative feedback to the misogynistic crew currently obsessing over that woman: well, I guess that it’s just going to happen, that’s all.

Karma.  It’s what’s for dinner.

Moe Lane

*This is apparently a real quote:

“Divorce Todd? Have you seen Todd? I may be just a renegade hockey mom, but I’m not blind!”

Crossposted to RedState.