#rsrh QotD, They’re Not Even Changing The Drapes edition.

From this almost-hiding-their-panic Politico article cataloging the big losers last night in the WI recall elections (spoiler warning: probably nobody that you’d particularly care about):

A Republican National Committee official confirmed the two dozen Walker campaign offices would immediately be converted into Romney working space as soon as later this week.

Hey, Wisconsin progressives?  Thanks for giving us the ability to set up Mitt Romney‘s* 2012 Wisconsin campaign infrastructure and have it going at full guns right away, and essentially for free!  Much obliged.

Moe Lane

*By the way, I should take this opportunity to note something to the Activist Left: if all y’all didn’t want conservatives to start enthusiastically lining up behind Mitt Romney, then all y’all should have kept your mouths shut and not attacked Mitt Romney’s wife.  Because that sh*t’s not right.

Preparing for Tuesday’s Day of DOOM in Wisconsin.

Some interesting happenings at today’s Wisconsin’s Brown County Dairy Breakfast*:

[Democratic gubernatorial recall candidate Tom] Barrett was greeted warmly by some of the breakfast-goers — at least one man told him Barrett he was voting for him, prompting Barrett to joke, “Give him a lot of really good food” — but others reacted differently, telling Barrett they were voting for [Republican Governor Scott] Walker and not shaking his hand when he extended it.

Asked if he got this kind of reaction when he ran against Walker in 2010, Barrett said, “No no, this is a newer occurrence.”

Continue reading Preparing for Tuesday’s Day of DOOM in Wisconsin.

54% of WI AFSCME employees voted with their feet in 2011. #wirecall

I am going to try to avoid too much hyperbole and sarcasm for this one; this is one time where the situation requires neither.  When Scott Walker and other Republicans instituted labor union reforms in 2009, one of the basic planks of such reforms – the one that was quietly and viciously fought, tooth and nail, by the unions – was removal of mandatory dues collection for public sector union employees.  In fact, from the union leaderships’ point of view this was THE reform that needed to be killed; if the Republicans had compromised on it then there probably wouldn’t have been a Wisconsin recall movement at all.  But Walker and the Republicans didn’t compromise… and what was the result?


Wisconsin membership in the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees-the state’s second-largest public-sector union after the National Education Association, which represents teachers-fell to 28,745 in February from 62,818 in March 2011, according to a person who has viewed Afscme’s figures. A spokesman for Afscme declined to comment.

Continue reading 54% of WI AFSCME employees voted with their feet in 2011. #wirecall

#rsrh Ann Althouse contemplates the Matter Of Wisconsin. #wirecall

Specifically, how it is that Gov. Scott Walker is in the commanding, about-to-be-ratified-via-popular-vote position that he is in – and make no mistake; when Walker wins the recall election in two weeks it’s going to be a while before the Democrats in Wisconsin are going to want to tangle with his legislative agenda.  Anyway, Ann notes:

I don’t watch all the TV shows, but this week, I’ve watched “American Idol” and part of a couple Brewers games, and I’ve seen ad after ad for Walker. I saw one ad against Walker, and it was a confusing complaint about how Walker is a “rock star.” Idiots! They made him a rock star.

Yes.  Yes, they did. Continue reading #rsrh Ann Althouse contemplates the Matter Of Wisconsin. #wirecall

Tom Barrett (D CAND, WI-GOV RECALL) passes on honoring slain cops to… stump-speech the UAW. #recall


When it came out last week that Milwaukee mayor (and Wisconsin Democratic candidate for governor in the upcoming recall election) Tom Barrett had skipped out on two ceremonies honoring Milwaukee police officers, there was some questions about what Barrett thought could possibly be more important that going to, say, a memorial service for slain Wisconsin policemen. It probably didn’t help either that Barrett was so evasive about the answer, either – to the point of convenient memory loss. Well, it turns out that Barrett probably wanted to forget the answer of where he was doing instead of honoring fallen officers, given that the answer was… ‘making a stump speech:’

…Mayor Barrett was actually speaking at a luncheon for retired United Auto Workers in Oshkosh at the exact same time that the fallen officers memorial was taking place in Milwaukee. Barrett spoke to a room of about 50 UAW union members.

I acquired a link to the video of the event that Barrett spoke at: it is unpleasant viewing for those with both a basic ethical sense, and an awareness of the context.


Continue reading Tom Barrett (D CAND, WI-GOV RECALL) passes on honoring slain cops to… stump-speech the UAW. #recall

“Who was that lady I saw you with last night,” Tom Barrett? #wirecall

…Oh, relax: it’s an old vaudville/movie routine.  You know: “That was no lady: that was my wife.”  Yeah, that one’s older than my parents, let alone me.  Still: why exactly did Democratic Wisconsin recall gubernatorial candidate Tom Barrett shrug off ceremonies honoring Milwaukee policemen this week?  Including one on Wednesday that honored Milwaukee cops slain in the line of duty?  I ask… well, mostly because I figure that the answer is going to embarrass Tom Bartlett; but also because Barrett likes to talk a lot about how Governor Scott Walker is supposedly campaigning at the expense of his job.  Which makes Walker’s presence at a function that Barrett was absent from – we can all agree that honoring slain Milwaukee policemen is part of the job of Mayor of Milwaukee, surely? – somewhat, well, awkward.

Hey!  That describes the Wisconsin Democratic party’s current rhetorical position, too!  It’s all cyclic, isn’t it…

Continue reading “Who was that lady I saw you with last night,” Tom Barrett? #wirecall



Vandals are torching pro-Walker yard signs, and now homeowners and neighbors are worried the crimes could escalate.

Someone set fire to at least five Walker campaign signs here in Fox Point.

Via Hot Air.

Moe Lane

PS: It’s not going to work, by the way.

The DNC seems to be sitting out the Wisconsin recall.

Alternate title: Eau de Flopsweat from #wirecall Democrats.

Alernate-alternate title: DOOM.

You know, when I saw this secondhand whine from Wisconsin Democrats upset that the DNC apparently wasn’t prepared to throw half a million dollars at the general recall election, I assumed that this would be resolved.  I mean, really: the Left has  already thrown away tens of millions of dollars; what’s a bit more?  Admittedly, not throwing utterly horrible money after bad (we’ve passed the ‘throwing good money after bad’ stage already) would be the right answer, in a strictly utilitarian sense; but the state party is in a bad way right now.  They sort of need an indication that the President cares for more than his own election, right?

Well… that’s apparently not going to happen.  MSNBC’s Chuck Todd asked Obama’s deputy* campaign manager Stephanie Cutter whether the DNC would be sending money earmarked for the recall, and Ms. Cutter said… nothing in particular. And definitely nothing that would commit the DNC to giving out money. Continue reading The DNC seems to be sitting out the Wisconsin recall.

Gov. Scott Walker (R, WI) brings in a budget surplus! #wirecall

Second year running.

Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s administration said Thursday that its new revenue projections show the state will finish the 2011-2013 budget years with a surplus rather than the deficit predicted earlier this year.

The projections were based on stronger-than-anticipated personal income growth last year, Walker officials said. The numbers could give the governor a boost as he heads into a June 5 recall election against Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

Gee, you think?

Continue reading Gov. Scott Walker (R, WI) brings in a budget surplus! #wirecall