I curse Ace of Spades for linking to the Agony Booth.

For now I am trapped within it.  Curse you, Ace of Spades HQ.  I cannot spend the next three days reading that site.

Moe Lane

PS: AoSHQ linked to the “Spock’s Brain” review: I personally would have gone with “And the Children Shall Lead.”  Either way, I can’t imagine why Agony Booth thought advertising the complete third season of Star Trek DVDs would work. The whole shebang, on the other hand…

It’s apparently Star Trek Friday …Wait! Wait! These two are worth it!

As God is my witness, they are. First off, here’s a mashup via At The Point of a Gun*…

…that demonstrates that even Holy Grail can be improved with Star Trek; and then there’s this:


…from… well, I don’t actually know who. It got emailed to me. Go figure.

[UPDATE]: Duh, it was right there on the image. Luke Writes. You Read.

Moe Lane

*And check out this video he found, while you’re there.

What? Yes, CBS put Star Trek TOS on Youtube. High quality, too.

I’ve mentioned it before.

Anyway, it’s telling about the quality of the recent Star Trek movie that there’s been a number of people wondering how this version of the crew is going to handle meeting Khan. I’d actually prefer that they don’t – watch Space Seed again, then Wrath of Khan, and tell me how you can fairly expect somebody to live up to Ricardo Montalban – but it tells you something that the fans have relaxed about the entire prospect.

Me, I want to see how they handle Mirror, Mirror.  I have high expectations for Simon Pegg’s performance in that one.

Some Friday Night links.

Moe Lane

PS: [Nah, I won’t mention it after all. It should be its own post, anyway.]

PPS: You know that you want this.

Revisiting the New ‘Stuff Just Blows Up’ Star Trek.

Dan Collins and David Thompson have more about that eye-rolling bad review of Star Trek that I… well, rolled my eyes over. David went on to mention “In the Pale Moonlight” of Star Trek: DS9; the clip that he’s thinking of is good enough that I’m reproducing it below.  It’s no accident that this is one of the most memorable events from the series. Or that it’s also one of the most contrary-to-stereotypical ones, either.

Would that there had been more of them.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.