Guess I’m selling it at Stellar Con, then.

GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is now my fourth novel, which is just a little surreal. It’s also a departure from what I’ve been doing so far, so I’m more than a little nervous for it. I hope people like it…


My table at Stellar Con!

I will be at spot 12! Reasonably close to the entrance, and not up against the programming at the stage. I’m still not entirely certain what the primo space actually is, but I did pretty well here last year. I’m not worried about it.

Stellar Con will be October 7-8, in Bel Air, Maryland. I had a good time at it, last year. No, really. It’s not the venue’s fault that I had my car die on the highway, and then I got Covid…

Moe Lane

PS: Can’t go? Buy my books!

I will be selling books at Stellar Con*!

This is going to be a two-day affair – October 7th and 8th, APGFCU Arena, Bel Air, MD – and I’m looking forward to it. Stellar Con ran a nice, tight ship last year (I can hardly blame them for my car breaking down afterward), and they’ve switched it from a single-day event in November to a two-day one in October, which suits me fine. They also didn’t raise the vendor fee through the roof to reflect the new multi-day nature of the event, which is very appreciated.

I’m hoping to have a good time. The plan is to get a hotel room, which will be nice. Not to mention, tax-deductable.

Moe Lane

PS: Fright Reads is the weekend before. Also now a two-day; also a fun place to sell books at.

PPS: Speaking of… buy mine!

*But not at Shore Leave, alas. Somebody said they’d get back to me, they never did, and at this point I’m thinking it’s too late to arrange for a table even if one did become available. It happens.

My Stellar Con table location!

At some point, I need to sit down and try to figure out if I’m getting good table assignments, or not. Somebody must have worked out the best table location to have at these things by now, right? I mean, money’s involved. Money is a powerful incentive.

Stellar Con will be on November 19th, in Bel Air, MD. It will likely be my last convention of 2022. Stop on by, buy a book or eight!

Stellar Con on November 19th!

Stellar Con will probably be my last convention of the year – I haven’t found a good Christmas venue that doesn’t want half my blood and a gryphon’s egg for a vendor’s fee – so if you’re in Bel Air, MD on November 19th, check in and stop by. I’ll have my new novel TINSEL RAIN and chapbook DUTIES available, as well as the rest of my books. Come on in – and if you’ve already bought one of my books, bring it along and I’ll sign it for you. Then I’ll waggle my eyebrows and look meaningfully at my other books until you take the hint and buy one of those, too.


Stellar Con in a month!

Need to check on my table, but: I’ll be at Stellar Con in a month, selling my books! …After that, my schedule is kind of up in the air. Haven’t heard anything about Washingcon, and I won’t be doing either Farpoint or Balticon next year. The brutal truth of it is, I need to make back my table fees, and I didn’t for either convention. The comic-cons have a better track record for vendors, honestly.

Suggestions for other venues in Maryland welcome.
