Dragon Con 2021 Nominations are open.

I got reminded that they’re open until the middle of July (the link’s here). Before you ask: alas, I do not have an eligible book this time: FROZEN DREAMS was published before the period started, and TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION is a collection of short stories, not a novel. But I agree with Declan Finn that the Dragon Awards matter, and you should nominate the books published in the last year that you’ve read and liked.

Also, STORM BETWEEN THE STARS is a rather good book.

If you backed TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, check your email.

I’ve prepped and sent out the short story sampler. Six stories, one vignette: one of the stories has not seen previously, and one of them is the first chapter of TINSEL RAIN. Note that the stories have not been professionally edited, and will not be commercially distributed in their present form.

Annnnnnnd that’s a wrap for the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter. Ahead of deadline, thank God. Buy the book here!

Finishing up the FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter short story sampler.

Huzzah! Right now I’m formatting the stories for conversion. Then I will likely spend the next couple of days on another editorial pass-through, compile .mobi/.epub/.pdf versions, and distribute them to Kickstarter backers. Then I cross it off the list, hee hee, ha ha, ho ho, :eye-twitch:

Continue reading Finishing up the FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter short story sampler.

Did Short Story sampler work today!

That’s the short story sampler associated with the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter (Now in print! Get your copy today!) Gotta get that cleared out of my in-box. Basically, at this stage it’s going to be doing some editing of the finished tales, finishing the unfinished story, and getting it out to backers. Once that’s done, pretty much so is the Kickstarter. The goal is to finish it up by the end of the month…


Wrapped, enveloped, labeled, sealed, and mailed. I had good timing, too: the post office was pretty much empty (I let the one person behind me go first, since I had an entire cart of envelopes with me). People who did the Kickstarter should start getting their copies in a few days. If you don’t, let me know.

Now it’s just the sampler, and I am done with the Kickstarter. Huzzah!

Moe Lane

Day 3, Fulfilling the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter.

The books are ready for shipping! Well, except for one person I’m waiting to hear back from to find out if they want two of one book or one each of two books. So if you’ve gotten an email from me on that, let me know.

Anyway, tomorrow I’ll take ’em all over to the post office and mail ’em out, along with a few complimentary copies to various people and so forth. Assuming it doesn’t rain, which it has been doing with some regularity over the last week or so (when it’s not snowing). I am so ready for winter to be over…

Moe Lane

PS: Books can be bought here.

Day 2, Fulfilling the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter.

Well, the bulk of the packaging is done.

Tomorrow I do all the more persnickety ones, including the international copies. We’re still on-track for me mailing them out Wednesday, which would hopefully mean people will start getting them by the end of the week. At least, that’s the goal. And from there it’s just a matter of finishing up the sampler. With any luck I’ll have it all done two weeks early.

Moe Lane

PS: Books all available here.

Regretfully, the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION pre-order store is now CLOSED.

Which just means that if you didn’t do the Kickstarter and want a signed copy of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION (or any of my other books), you’ll just have to buy a print book from Amazon and track me down at a convention, when we start having those again. Or wait until the next Kickstarter. I do need to work out how to sell copies directly, but unfortunately I’m still two or three books away from the daily sales needed to justify the effort.

TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Kickstarter update: the books are in!


Also on Amazon.

The Kickstarter reward books. My next step is to create shipping profiles, sign my signature a billion times, print out labels, and get these suckers out. Hopefully that will not take more than a week. After that, all I have to do is get the sampler done and then this project is largely in the can.  Huzzah!

Moe Lane

PS: Pre-order store is still open, and I have a slight margin of extra books that I can use to fulfill pre-orders right away.