Brain still fried.

Recharging for tomorrow. I’m very much at the ‘get this sucker out the door stage’ of the book-writing process. I don’t know how people who don’t self-publish handle it. I mean, yes, selling GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND will be a whole thing, but at least it’ll actually physically exist soon. I’d be halfway through the traditional publishing path at this point instead of seven-eighths.

Also: I need to do a better job launching this one. More book signings, more interviews, the whole shebang. Going to work on that.

10/03/2022 Update, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND revisions: 60,700/80,000.

Right now, I’m just trying to tie all the threads together, pull on them, and see if a book forms. I rather hope that it will. I’m also rather aware that I’ve not done nearly enough to describe the planet our heroine is on. I really should have been doing that throughout the book…

Continue reading 10/03/2022 Update, GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND revisions: 60,700/80,000.

I’m not really joking about TINSEL RAIN prices maybe going up, mind you.

Amazon’s cost-per-book is likely to rise, which means that book prices will rise, too. I can’t do much about it, if/when it happens. Except, you know, add a buck or so to the book price. I don’t wanna, but expenses are gonna go up across the board.

The TINSEL RAIN alpha edits are done!

Huzzah! I’ll be collecting emails from everybody who volunteered to beta read tonight and send over the text tomorrow. Looking forward to getting more feedback. And starting the Kickstarter, so that I can maybe pay for this sucker. And, of course, publishing TINSEL RAIN…

Moe Lane

PS: Don’t forget to indoctrinate your friends!

Regretfully, the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION pre-order store is now CLOSED.

Which just means that if you didn’t do the Kickstarter and want a signed copy of TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION (or any of my other books), you’ll just have to buy a print book from Amazon and track me down at a convention, when we start having those again. Or wait until the next Kickstarter. I do need to work out how to sell copies directly, but unfortunately I’m still two or three books away from the daily sales needed to justify the effort.