Got the second story edits back…

…and it turns out that my editor did something absolutely infuriating. To wit, she somehow viciously managed to identify precisely the bits that I had hurriedly papered over because they were weak spots in the narrative that I didn’t want to actually fix. The absolute nerve of her!


Yeah, I’ll be fixing it this weekend. Just goes to show, hey? Do it right the first time, and all that.

First story edits for TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 are back!

And they have been completed. I imagine anthologies like TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 are different to edit than novels, since the stories are self-contained. There’s less of a meta-narrative to keep track of, or something like that.

Anyway, the book is roughly ten percent through its first editorial pass-through. That’s cool. Once I have the book edited, I’ll have a much better idea of when it’s going out…

Moe Lane

PS: Go ahead and check out TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 1. And check out the pre-order store!

The draft for TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 2 is off to the editor!

At last, right? I got logjammed on that, honestly. I had to force myself today to go through the beta reader notes and clean up what was a fairly nasty ordering error on it that was confusing the heck out of people. But, still; now it’s the editor’s problem. Huzzah!

In the meantime… the preorder store is here, if you missed the Kickstarter. My books are here. And now I do believe that I may go have a beer.


Three of my books are on sale in paperback!

At least for right now: FROZEN DREAMS is on sale for $8.51, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 1 for $5.29, and MORGAN BAROD for $7.28. I’m not sure why those specific prices. Amazon sets them, not me. I still get paid the full amount I’m owed, so that’s cool, however they want to move books, they’re the subject matter expert and I am not.


Surveys away! And the pre-order store is open!

Be sure to check your inboxes. Also: the preorder store is open! It also features some deals on getting signed copies of my books, so keep that in mind. Just bear in mind that TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 2 is currently being checked by the beta readers, and won’t be going to the editor until the end of the month. That will affect shipping dates.

But we are on our way!

50% done on prepping TALES OF THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 2!

The plan is to finish all of it up tomorrow and Sunday. After that, I send it to the beta readers for a quick turnover, and then it goes out to my editor. Thanks to the Kickstarter, I’ll be able to pay her pretty much as soon as she’s done, which is exactly why I did a Kickstarter. So things are going along pretty well.

On the other hand, my brain is now fried. It always takes me by surprise as to how much skull sweat this phase of the publishing process requires. I don’t know why I’m surprised, either. Maybe my brain takes pity on me.

Moe Lane

PS: While you’re waiting for the new book, why not read the old ones?


The Kickstarter is in the can.

Did well for itself, too. 304% funded, several stretch goals hit. I surpassed all the metrics on the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 1 Kickstarter, which is the proper benchmark – but I did better than I expected when matched up against the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter. I think novel crowdfunding just does better than short story collection crowdfunding does, but I’m happy with this being in the same ballpark.

I think I also learned a few things this time about promotion, too. Every little bit helps, hey? …Anyway, now comes the work-work part: getting all of this stuff out the door. Thanks to everybody who backed; if you missed out, I’ll be setting up a Backerkit store in the next few days.

Again, thank you very much! These things are always wild rides.

TWO DAYS LEFT on the Kickstarter! If you were waiting for the best time to back…

…now would be it. TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 will be my collection of post-apocalyptic fantasy stories set in the aforementioned Fermi Resolution universe: it’ll feature old characters and new, and will include a madcap self-contained adventure from my upcoming Tom Vargas novel BANSHEE BEACH. The last forty-eight hours of a Kickstarter are in some ways the most important ones, because it’s now that we see what stretch goals will get fulfilled. Here are the most relevant ones:

Continue reading TWO DAYS LEFT on the Kickstarter! If you were waiting for the best time to back…

Seven days left on the TALES OF THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 Kickstarter, complete with a sudden moral quandary!

One that has been resolved with the correct (i.e. difficult choice). The short version is I got a message from another Kickstarter project that looks legitimate (I think), suggesting a cross-promotional thing. The problem? Well, two: I’m not 100% certain it’s legit, and even it is there’s not really any overlap between that project and mine. There’s nothing wrong with the concept, but I wouldn’t back it if I saw it*, and I would feel really bad if it turned out to be hinky after all. Which I guess answers the question all on its own, hey? If I’m not gonna back it, I shouldn’t talk it up unless I’m excited about the project and I just can’t afford to support it any other way.

Continue reading Seven days left on the TALES OF THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 Kickstarter, complete with a sudden moral quandary!

The TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 Kickstarter enters its last week!

Sort of, at least. The way Kickstarter counts days, it’s sometimes hard to tell. Tomorrow it’s officially seven days, so… close enough? Anyway, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 is very close to the ‘more sampler stories’ stretch goal! Tell your friends! Heck, tell your enemies if they’re good sports. And there’s still that elusive $6,000 stretch goal…