TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION* is my collection of short stories set in the post-apocalyptic world of Tom Vargas and Morgan Barod. It’s an excellent way to be introduced to the series, and starting Saturday it’ll be on sale for 99 cents! The sale is week-long, so tell all your friends. Or, you know, anyone you know who might buy the book. I don’t know how you could encourage your enemies to buy my books out of spite, but it all spends the same.

Moe Lane

*Volume I.


The TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Christmas Kindle Sale continues!

Just 99 cents this week! Tales From the Fermi Resolution: Vol. 1: Shadow of the Tower is set in the same world as FROZEN DREAMS and TINSEL RAIN, this sprawling anthology stretches over 900 years of future post-apocalyptic fantasy history! There are ten stories, including several never before published; and, for fans of FROZEN DREAMS, there’s a new novelette starring Tom Vargas. The book is also available in paperback for a couple of bucks off, but that’s Amazon’s doing, not mine.


Sixty dollars to go to $500/year!

The first day of the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 99 cent Christmas sale went well. Well enough to adjust the thermostat:

Not gonna lie: sixty more bucks in ten days is gonna be a heavy lift. But who knows? People might get Amazon gift cards for Christmas*. Every little bit helps.

*Me, I want book reviews. Get them for all the authors in your life!


The Tales From the Fermi Resolution Christmas Kindle sale!

It starts tomorrow: Tales From the Fermi Resolution will be on sale for 99 cents for the next week. Just in time for Christmas! Set in the same world as FROZEN DREAMS and TINSEL RAIN, this sprawling anthology stretches over 900 years of future post-apocalyptic fantasy history! There are ten stories, including several never before published; and, for fans of FROZEN DREAMS, there’s a new novelette starring Tom Vargas. Plus, an adventure from my sword-and-sorcery novel MORGAN BAROD! This is a great place to start your exploration of the world of the Fermi Resolution.


I’m putting TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION on Christmas Kindle super-sale on Wednesday.

Tell your friends! Especially the ones with disposable income! Sale goes from December 21st to 28th.

Tales From the Fermi Resolution: Vol. 1: Shadow of the Tower

Set in the same world as FROZEN DREAMS, this sprawling anthology stretches over 900 years of future post-apocalyptic fantasy history! There are ten stories, including several never before published; and, for fans of FROZEN DREAMS, there’s a new novelette starring Tom Vargas.


Weekend Highlight: My Short Story Collection TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION (Buy it!)

I need to do posts like this more often. As in, every week. Advertising doesn’t happen on its own!

Anyway, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION is a collection of short stories from my post-apocalyptic fantasy series the… Fermi Resolution*. It’s nine centuries’ worth of adventure, exploration, fighting, scheming, and general derring-do, and attractively priced, to boot! For Tom Vargas fans, there’s a prequel to FROZEN DREAMS in here; and if you haven’t read MORGAN BAROD yet, there’s an adventure from that book in this collection.

Check it out today!

*Which tries to answer the eternal question about alien civilizations: Where the Hell is everybody? My answer is, Alien cultures discover magic, and promptly blow themselves up. Imagine what would happen if eight billion people woke up and discovered that they could download spells via their smartphones. Go ahead. Imagine.


Book of the Week: Tales From The Fermi Resolution, Volume 1 (it’s on sale!).

As God is my witness, I’m as surprised as you are. Amazon decided to sell Tales From The Fermi Resolution for four bucks and twenty-four cents. I have no idea why that number, nor do I care: my cut remains intact. So now is the time to get that book in print! Hell, buy ten and hand them out as Christmas presents. Or buy a hundred, and hand them out on Halloween. Now is the time to take advantage of Amazon’s desperation…


A couple days left on DUTIES preorders and the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION super-sale.

Also: it looks like I might have copies of DUTIES available at Fright Reads! Which will be nice, if it happens. Obviously, I’ll have TINSEL RAIN there, too. Still trying to decide if I’m going to offer any particular sales there. After all, I’m pricing my books pretty cheaply now…

TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION is part of the Based Fall Book Sale!

The Based Fall Book Sale is chock full of 99 cent and free books; TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION is an example of the former. Feel free to check it out and see if there’s anything in there of interest. Besides my book, of course; obviously, that’s going to be paramount to all right-thinking people.


TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION will be on Kindle super-sale tomorrow!

But you’re welcome to buy it now.

TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION: “Set in the same world as FROZEN DREAMS, this sprawling anthology stretches over 900 years of future post-apocalyptic fantasy history! There are ten stories, including several never before published; and, for fans of FROZEN DREAMS, there’s a new novelette starring Tom Vargas.”

Moe Lane

Continue reading TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION will be on Kindle super-sale tomorrow!