Quote of the Day, From The Mouth Of Terry McAuliffe’s Business Partner edition.

Greentech Automotive president Charles Wang, on the dubious joys of partnering with Virginia gubernatorial hopeful Terry McAuliffe:

…there are days when Mr. Wang says he wishes he had never gone into business with a politically connected partner. “I learned a lot of things,” he said. “Politicians or people with political backgrounds are dangerous to business.”

Bolding mine – and get that up on a campaign ad, Ken Cuccinelli. I admit that it’s a bit tricky for the Attorney General to do so – he’s a politician himself – but, shoot: Republicans officially agree with McAuliffe’s own partner that politics and business don’t really mix well. As the last five years of Barack Obama’s crony corporatist capitalism have made blisteringly clear.



Moe Lane (crosspost)

How Alejandro Mayorkas, Anthony Rodham, Greentech, Terry McAuliffe, Hillary Clinton, and EB-5 all cohere.

Amazing how all of these things keep interlocking.

  • Via Instapundit comes this report from Reuters that “U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Alejandro Mayorkas, who has been nominated to be the deputy secretary of Homeland Security – and who could soon run the department – is under investigation by the department’s inspector general.”
  • Why is Mayorkas being investigated? Because he allegedly broke ethics rule by arranging for an ‘investor visa’ for Gulf Coast Funds Management.
  • Gulf Coast Funds Management is run by Hillary Clinton’s brother Anthony Rodham.
  • This is where we have to leave Reuters, because Reuters – accidentally or deliberately – decided to stop telling the story. Continue reading How Alejandro Mayorkas, Anthony Rodham, Greentech, Terry McAuliffe, Hillary Clinton, and EB-5 all cohere.

WaPo reluctantly reports Terry McAuliffe’s bald-faced debate lie.

It’s bad when the Washington Post can’t come up with a way to excuse a Virginia Democrat:

In the most obvious misstatement of the debate, [Democrat Terry] McAuliffe attacked [Republican Virginia Attorney General Ken] Cuccinelli over the findings of a Richmond prosecutor who had been tasked with investigating Cuccinelli’s financial disclosures.

“If you read the whole report, which I have, it says in here that the attorney general should have been prosecuted,” McAuliffe said, over Cuccinelli’s failure to disclose his stock holdings in Star Scientific and gifts from Williams. McAuliffe also said that because of Cuccinelli’s ties to Williams and Star, which filed a civil tax case against the state, “a judge took the case away from him because of a conflict of interest.”

Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney Michael Herring said in a report last week that he found no evidence that Cuccinelli had violated the law. And it was Cuccinelli’s office that requested recusal from the civil tax case.

“So much is inaccurate,” Cuccinelli said when asked in the debate to respond, “I’ll let the fact checkers take care of it. That one’s gonna get sliced up.”

After the debate, McAuliffe sought to clarify his comment. “On the report — the attorney general could have been prosecuted if we had stronger disclosure laws in Virginia,” McAuliffe said, although Herring’s report did not make that assertion.

Continue reading WaPo reluctantly reports Terry McAuliffe’s bald-faced debate lie.

Terry McAuliffe’s pro-Castro contributor.

Full disclosure: I have no particular love for the Baltimore Orioles, mostly because they’re neither the Mets nor the Blue Jays (yes, I know).  I note this because you could conceivably argue that my distaste at seeing Terry McAuliffe demonstrate that he’ll take $250 grand from anybody (in this case, Orioles owner Peter Angelos) is merely sour grapes from having both of the baseball teams that I (barely) follow be in the cellar.  This argument would be wrong, though.

I just have a real problem with anybody who would voluntarily sit next to Fidel Castro.


Continue reading Terry McAuliffe’s pro-Castro contributor.


Oh, dear.  Terry McAuliffe really doesn’t know how the world works, does he?

In a May 2001 interview with C-SPAN, titled the “Life and Career of Terry McAuliffe,” the former Democratic National Committee chairman says one of the “reasons” his father, Jack, died was “he could not go into a new year knowing that a Republican was actually moving into the White House.”

While his father was in the hospital, McAuliffe’s mother “went and came back in five minutes later, and he had passed away. And I told the story, you know, I gave at the eulogy at his funeral, and there are many reasons why people thought Jack had died,” McAuliffe told C-SPAN. “He was 83 years old. And I said the main reason is that he could not go into a new year knowing that a Republican was actually moving into the White House. I just don’t think he could’ve handled that.”

(Via Hot Air) Or, you know, McAuliffe Senior just might have passed away.  If my father had been a Republican*, I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t have used his passing as an excuse to slam President Obama. Because my father wasn’t a f*cking political prop, Terry. Continue reading Terry McAuliffe: GEORGE W BUSH KILLED MY FATHER.

Occupy Roanoke to prostitute itself out for Terry McAuliffe.

My apologies to prostitutes for the comparison.

The Occupiers apparently plan to come out by the tens tomorrow to show their support for Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe:


Contrast that with Occupy Roanoke’s rhetoric in 2011:

…we would like to see the end of paid lobbyists. Washington’s K Street is made up of many former legislators and staff whose job it is to help write the laws after showering Congress with contributions. This would include lobbyists from unions, corporations and other special interests. When groups with enormous financial assets can use those assets to influence legislation, what kind of a voice do any of us realistically have? In short, we want Big Money out of politics.

Continue reading Occupy Roanoke to prostitute itself out for Terry McAuliffe.

QotD, Terry McAuliffe May Not Be Working Out For The Virginia Democratic Party edition.

The Daily Beast, almost spluttering at the indignity:

[Terry] McAuliffe is one of those guys who blathers on—typically with the aim of reminding you how important and successful he is—with no sense of how he sounds to normal people. This month the chattering class has delighted in rehashing passages from McAuliffe’s 2008 autobiography, What a Party!, in which the Macker boasts at length about what an asshole he was on the occasions of his children’s births. (In one instance he skipped out on the delivery to attend a party for then–Washington Post gossip columnist and current Daily Beast editor-at-large Lloyd Grove; in another, he stopped en route to the hospital to work a fundraiser while his wife labored on in the car; in a third, he picked a political fight with his wife’s anesthesiologist.)

Continue reading QotD, Terry McAuliffe May Not Be Working Out For The Virginia Democratic Party edition.

The fairly sad conspiracy theorizing of Terry McAuliffe.

Jim Geraghty does a good job deconstructing Terry McAuliffe’s rather nostalgic embrace of the original “October Surprise” conspiracy theory (short version: some people still believe that the Iranians and the Reagan campaign colluded into having the hostages released after the Reagan Inauguration); but I don’t know if logic and reality will work on those people who still cling to the aforementioned theory.  Alas, some people don’t want to hear that Jimmy Carter was feckless, that everybody in the world was contemptuous of him by the end, and that the Iranian regime needed no prodding to humiliate him and the USA for as long as they could do so safely (which is to say, up to about five minutes or so in the Reagan administration).  Carter was simply weak.  It happens.

No excuse for Terry, of course.  Then again, there never was.

No truce with the Kermit Gosnells.


I’m going to quote Matthew Clark of Bearing Drift here, because he set up the situation pretty straightforwardly:

Virginia, with the support of Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, has enacted some of the most stringent health requirements for abortion clinics in the country.  The law allows the Virginia Board of Health to regulate abortion clinics much like hospitals, to ensure that they provide the same operation, staffing, equipping, staff qualifications and training, and conditions as hospitals in Virginia.  These regulations would ensure that no “House of Horrors” operates in Virginia.

Yet, late last week, McAuliffe sent a fundraising email asking supporters to fund his campaign because his opponent, GOP gubernatorial all-but nominee Cuccinelli, “pushed through medically unnecessary regulations on women’s health centers with the aim of his number one goal: ending safe and legal abortion in Virginia.”

Why were these regulations proposed?  Precisely to prevent the horrors of Gosnell’s clinic.  The Washington Post reported at the time this bill was passed, “In recent weeks, abortion foes have cited the case of a Philadelphia area clinic [Gosnell’s] recently shut down after authorities discovered a series of botched and illegal abortions; inspectors discovered containers of fetal parts.”

Continue reading No truce with the Kermit Gosnells.

The only people more hypocritical than Terry McAuliffe? The Lefties now supporting him.

There’s some raised eyebrows at some of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s donors: specifically the detail that 78% of his funding in the last quarter came from out-of-state donorsLooking at the donor list, I note that some of the folks involve include: Terry’s father-in-law Richard Swann, who is probably best known for being president, back in the day, of the infamously failed American Pioneer S&L; the Communication Workers of America, for whom McAuliffe once brokered a sweet, sweet credit card deal (which is what Creigh Deeds was referring to here); and Haim Saban, who has quite the taste for precisely the sort of offshore tax havens that the Democrats supposedly hate.  And let me head off something at the pass: I will happily concede that none of those examples are examples of explicitly illegal activity on McAuliffe’s part.  Heavens forbid that I suggest that the man is a criminal – but the question is, is Terry McAuliffe a righteous man?

Well.  Let’s see what these folks have thought of him, over the years.  And note that these are McAuliffe’s fellow-travelers, no less. Continue reading The only people more hypocritical than Terry McAuliffe? The Lefties now supporting him.