Paywalled now, alas, but now available in EPUB and PDF as you go. There’s going to be at least monthly installments, on or around the 15th from now on. Check out THE BOLD MARAUDER today!
Tag: the bold marauder
So. The official changes to the Patreon.
I’ve decided to keep the video, for now. I need to work on the Kickstarter video anyway. There are going to be two major changes, going forward:
- The Collections feature is going to get a heavier workout. In particular, my RPG materials are going to get collated so that people can actually access them easily. I’ll also be collating the short stories that I’ve been writing for the world of GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND, because that’s overdue.
- But the big thing is this: I’m committing to regular installments of THE BOLD MARAUDER. It is going to be paywalled, but it’s a buck. I want to see how much I can sustain a month, but I think that a monthly installment around the middle of the month is doable. We’ll see how it goes.
That’s mostly it. It will still cost only a buck to join up, and I hope that people do!
A new installment of THE BOLD MARAUDER.
New Patron, new installment of THE BOLD MARAUDER! Free!
‘The Bold Marauder.’
A new (FREE!) installment of THE BOLD MARAUDER.
New patron, new installment of my space opera serial THE BOLD MARAUDER. At some point, I’m sure I’ll have to do these weekly. At some point.
New THE BOLD MARAUDER installment! (Everyone can read)
A new installment of THE BOLD MARAUDER!
New patron, new episode of my space opera serial THE BOLD MARAUDER. FREE! If we ever get to $200/month I will do a weekly installment.
The Bold Marauder, Chapter 7, Part 8.
New backer, new installment! Free to everybody. Remember, when we hit $200 month I do a weekly installment on this space-opera serial….
New THE BOLD MARAUDER (Chapter 7, Part 7).
‘The Bold Marauder.’
I wish to God somebody would rerelease this Moonwulf album. Not for me: for posterity’s sake.