This is all due to whoever unnamed, yet uncultured censor it was in the People’s Republic of China who decided to highlight the fundamental insecurity of the regime by burning the first print run of The Sassoon Files Cthulhu Mythos-themed RPG supplement. Well done! I might not have picked up both the main book and THE BROTHER OF JESUS (obviously something involving the Taiping Rebellion) otherwise. But it is important that civilized people do not reward barbarous behavior, of course. That never ends well.

Book of the Week, The Sassoon Files.

I think that I said why The Sassoon Files pretty succinctly here:

Not available on Amazon, alas (that’s not a reflection on Amazon: they don’t always carry gaming material). But it’s the principle of the thing, really. Also: Google Translate’s gotten pretty good; the sentiment survives being translated back into English pretty well. Impressive! …And not done by Communist stooges, either.

F*cking ChiComs set Call of Cthulhu supplement print run on fire. Allegedly.

No, this totally counts because it’s gaming-related*. The short version: folks did a Kickstarter (The Sassoon Files) that was based on 1920s China. And they apparently made the mistake of using a printer from the People’s Republic of China, which allegedly promptly burned the entire print run just after it was completed.

Because that, my droogies, is how Commies do. Allegedly. Well, allegedly in this case. God knows it’s well-documented that the only things that Commies like to burn more than inconvenient books are entire regions full of inconvenient peasants.

Continue reading F*cking ChiComs set Call of Cthulhu supplement print run on fire. Allegedly.