Tweet of the Day, PSA: When To Keep Your Hands To Yourself edition.

Which is to say: when you find something that looks like this.

Via @RocketPulpHack. I figure nobody died, because otherwise I’d have seen this fifty million times already, but… there aren’t that many industrial uses for something with that shape. Since one of them is to blow things up that other people don’t want you to blow up, better safe than sorry: call the nice explosive experts. You know. Just in case.

Tweet of the Day, Don’t Mess With The Chick-fil-A Drive-Thru Line edition.

Somewhere, there’s a bunch of Waffle House employees going over this video, and taking notes. Why? Because the true professional recognizes that there’s always more to learn. Waffle House doesn’t do much with parking lot brawls except let the cops deal with it, because no drive-thrus. They can analyze this with fresh eyes.

Besides, it’s interesting to see how terrain can change a takedown.

Via @RocketPulpHack. Also: old, but real.

Tweet of the Day, Greta NO edition.

Greta Gerwig: Greta YES

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Greta NO edition.

Tweet of the Day, I Suspect Nobody Ever Explained This One edition.

I’m with @ZODIAC_MF that there are more immediately and genuinely traumatizing things out there, but the scenario presented in the video below made me laugh out loud. So there’s that.

Tweet of the Day, Writing Advice Is Like Becoming A PARANOIA TTRPG High Programmer… edition.

…being a successful writer can be done, people obviously can do it, everybody’s got to figure out their own way to get there, and they do the new-minted Ultraviolet-clearance writer will deliberately rewrite The Computer’s source code to make it treasonous for any other Violet-clearance clone to use the same trick.


Yeah, the simile kind of died screaming under the knife there, at the end. Sorry about that! Anyway:

Tweet of the Day, Okay, This Is Gonna Be My Best-Seller Car Brand edition.

I don’t care if this ad features the weapons-grade emotional manipulation that you only see in Thai retail commercials*. Let me repeat this: I don’t care. When I make it as a writer, I’m getting a Volvo.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Okay, This Is Gonna Be My Best-Seller Car Brand edition.