Tweet of the Day, I See No Flaws In This MD Zebra Herd Reinforcement Strategy edition.

(h/T @zamoose) Because that’s what’s gonna happen. They aren’t going to capture the Maryland Zebras. They’re gonna reinforce them.

Tweet of the Day, I’ll Believe In This History Of The World Sequel When I See It… edition.

…and not a millisecond earlier.

And I still won’t believe that it’ll be good as History of the World Part I. Which is not me saying “Don’t do this.” I’m just… managing my expectations.

Tweet of the Day, There Are Worse Life Goals edition.

In the connected text, Tycho notes that ” Gabriel’s “super power” (if you will) is to suss out the exact thing that will drive a person out of their f[*]cking minds.” …I did not have that exact ability (my superpower was making people look ridiculous before I banned them), but it’s close enough for me to chuckle knowingly at this.

Tweet of the Day, This Exercise In Spiteful Candy Reviews Has Rejuvenated Me edition.

I know, I know. Not five minutes later. (Via @DerekBarge)

Tweet of the Day, Florida DUDE edition.

“Florida Man” does not have the right connotations for this exhibition of righteous stuff. Somebody buy this man beer and wings.

Via @BrianFaughnan.