Tweet of the Day, Clever Girl edition.

If you don’t think this is mildly terrifying, you haven’t had toddlers around for a while. …Hold on. I haven’t had toddlers around for a while. So why do I find this video mildly alarming?

(Via PJ Media)

Tweet of the Day, Vicki Embraces The Storm edition.

This will not end quietly. It will probably end hilariously, but not quietly. And as one of the wondering responders to the original tweet noted: Vicki does not, in fact, hate to be this person. This is why she was put on the Earth.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Vicki Embraces The Storm edition.

Tweet of the Day, We Already Knew This, But It’s Great To Have A Confession edition.

At least, I hope we all already knew this. It was pretty obvious, right? :Goes to check to make sure there’s nothing in the archives that would contradict that confident statement:

Tweet of the Day, Submitted Without Context edition.

I make no guarantees for the rest of this person’s content. Haven’t even looked. But this thread? This thread is gold.

Via @EsotericCD.

Tweet Thread of the Day, Let My Keyword Travails Serve As A Cautionary Tale edition.

So, I totally messed up my Amazon book keywords. Which meant I had to go fix them. Fix them all, for each edition. Because when you screw keywords up from the start, you don’t get to have an easy solution.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Tweet of the Day, These Arby D&D Dice Are Sold Out But I’m Signed Up edition.

They’ll let me know when they’re available.

Moe Lane

PS: I actually quite like Arby’s. For when I want the stuff that’s on their menu.