Tweet of the Day, Today’s “…Man. White People” Will Be Provided By Portland Hipsters edition.

Man. White people:

Look, I understand how a person might think that getting a tattoo of an airport carpet pattern* might say to the world that you are serious; but, speaking as a representative of the world, I regret to tell you that in fact the opposite is true.

Moe Lane

PS: Mind you, if the hipsters want the old carpet and the Portland airport can’t get rid of it otherwise, then by all means: give the hipsters the damned carpet. I mean, the hipsters want it, right? Better than just throwing it in a landfill.

…What? Hipsters can have nice things, too. For given values of ‘nice.’


Tweet of the Day, I REFUSE To Stop Using White People Jokes edition.

It’s a matter of principle.

Because I’ll tell you: after watching a certain flavor of progressive do stuff like this, I have really and truly come to a genuine appreciation of the shaken head, and the mused Man. White people. I will not give this up. You can’t make me give this up.  I will not be shamed into giving it up.  Accept that.

Moe Lane

Tweet of the Day, This Is More Like Tweet Of The Month edition (@iowahawkblog).

I mean, speaking professionally this Tweet is master-level work. I want to use it to teach a class.

It’s perfectly designed for its target audience: David assumes that you know the story of the de Blasio Groundhog Murder (and Coverup) already, and that you know about Mike Bloomberg’s insane mayor-clown anti-gun posse – which means he can go with the joke without having to explain anything. I mean, sure, if you’re a first-time Twitter user who doesn’t follow politics you won’t get the jok… no, wait, there’s a picture of a groundhog about to savage a man’s ear. You’d still get the joke anyway.

As I said: I am impressed in a professional capacity with this tweet. It’s just that good.

Tweet of the Day, Well… Yes. Extending Unemployment Benefits Encourages Unemployment. Duh? edition.



Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Well… Yes. Extending Unemployment Benefits Encourages Unemployment. Duh? edition.

Tweet of the Day, Not Just ‘No,’ Actually edition.

‘Hell, no.”

It will suck. It will suck, because the original concept worked only because the show was steeped in the Nineties, and that was twenty years ago, and that era is dead. An updated, successful version would be effectively a different show, so you might as well call it something else. And Hollywood doesn’t have the moral courage to make a successful updated version.

So: not just no. Hell, no.

Moe Lane

PS: This is a great webcomic that Shaenon really needs to start up again.

Tweet of the Day, …Unfortunately edition.

I really kind of liked living in a world where our enemies weren’t becoming steadily more emboldened to do things like this in public, and on the record.

Well, at least I don’t have to spend too much time trying to figure out which side I’m on.

Tweets of the Day, …It Really IS All Valerie Jarrett’s Fault edition.

What we have here is a failure to communicate. And if Valerie Jarrett really is the President’s gatekeeper, then she’s responsible for what happened to the guy this weekend:

…Although I am starting to wonder whether Official Washington is gleefully setting Valerie Jarrett as the scapegoat for all of the Obama administration’s many, many communications sins. Very possibly: the woman is hated, the woman is feared, and best of all: the woman is not from Dizzy City. Mind you, I’m not really upset if Valerie Jarrett is being set up to take the fall, largely because she’s kind of earned it and I don’t see how her impact crater is going to splash over on anybody I care about. Guess that means that This Town is getting to me, too.  Maybe I should change my filtration mask filters…

Moe Lane

Tweet of the Day, …No, Senator Manchin, We Would Not edition.

It’s not a 100% rule, of course.  I’m sure that there’s been a time or three when we have.  But our mistake is in being too loyal*. Ask Senator Manchin how he feels about that right now:

Moe Lane

*No, it’s actually a mistake sometimes. Usually when the person that we’re being loyal to doesn’t really deserve it.

Tweet of the Day, You’re On A BOAT, @jimgeraghty… edition.

…so stop scooping my post ideas, OK?

As you can see, this was in response to some dude or dudette on the Internet’s getting all bent out of shape because Jim noted that when Rep. Joe Wilson (SC) shouted “YOU LIE!” at Barack Obama’s claim that Obamacare would be extended to illegal immigrants, Joe Wilson turned out to be… correct; they’re talking about doing that. Which I was on the verge of looking up, except that Jim beat it to me. While on vacation, the so-and-so.

Ach, well. At least I got the Frank J Fleming interview in before he did.

Tweet of the Day, …This Is A Surprisingly Difficult Question To Answer Safely edition.

It’s a goram minefield, in fact.

Needless to say, the question would not ari… would not come u… I do not patronize prostitutes.