Title: “Virginia Democrats value teacher’s unions over special needs kids by opposing school choice.” It’s all about the money, of course. It usually is, with that crowd.
Tag: watchdog
My Watchdog.com post on Maryland fracking is up.
Short version: …I get the general impression that the dispute is not going to be the same high-energy affair that it is, elsewhere. Neither side’s politicians really want to drill down too deep on this one; they’d rather find other flash points on energy policy where pressure can be more profitably applied. Honestly, the poltiical environment in Maryland isn’t really friendly for any sort of massive fracking dispute.
Moe Lane Continue reading My Watchdog.com post on Maryland fracking is up.
My watchdog.org piece on PETPO v. FWS is up.
Endangered Species Act-related: to give you an idea, PETPO stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Property Owners. This one could go far. Real far. Never underestimate the furor of a homeowner who has just been told by the federal government that he can’t shoot the danged prairie dog that is living under his property and wrecking his lawn…
My Watchdog.org article on Gov. Larry Hogan’s (R, Maryland) likely energy stance is up.
You can find it here.
My Watchdog.org article on School Choice is up.
It’s the one called “Minority, Democratic supporters of school choice obscured by entrenched union interests.” Which, of course, you can see once you click the link. So. Kind of redundant of me to put it that way, huh?
I am going to be doing the occasional piece for Watchdog.org.
On this and that, policy wise. Nothing to conflict with my stuff at RedState, or here. Here’s my first piece, discussing the implications of that Nebraska Supreme Court decision on the Keystone pipeline. I haven’t decided whether to do a link post every time I place a story there: will have to think about it some more…