Book of the Week: FIFTH IMPERATIVE.

I have no idea if Robin D. Laws’ FIFTH IMPERATIVE is ever making it over to Amazon. I’m guessing it probably won’t, which is a shame, because the first book in the series (THE MISSING AND THE LOST) is a tight Carcosian-style thriller yet in Pelgrane Press’s YELLOW KING RPG universe. I’ve been waiting to read the sequel since forever.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, no Amazon links and yet I’m putting it up anyway. That’s how much I liked the first book.

Books of the Week: The Yellow King RPG.

The Yellow King RPG from Pelgrane Press is a four book set with a slipcase that turns into a GM screen, and it is pretty. It is so very, very pretty and I am tempted to run a game of it at WashingCon. Although I am already going to be running the Bullwinkle and Rocky RPG, and ZOMG I COULD COMBINE THEM*.

Moe Lane

*Well, I can’t seem to get my hands on any copy of the infamous Toon/Call of Cthulhu crossover ‘Delta Chartreuse,’ so I need to look at other options here.

Two days to go on The Yellow King RPG Kickstarter…

…so now would be the time to jump in on this project that really drills down deep into the Yellow Sign and Carcosa and the King in Yellow and the rest of it.  As I think I’ve mentioned before: The Hastur Mythos is probably our generation’s contribution to the horror genre, and I’ve seen the raw files that are going to make up this supplement.  There’s genuinely good stuff, here: if you run horror games, you’re going to want to at least take a look at this.  Especially since I rather badly want to get some of the remaining stretch goals fulfilled.  Which ones? Won’t say. Better get ’em all, just to be safe.

Four days to go on the Yellow King RPG Kickstarter…

…and if you’ve been holding out on said Kickstarter because you wanted them to cough up the good stuff, well, Robin Laws has been coughing up the good stuff.  This is going to be an aesthetically pleasing RPG, in addition to being probably an interesting classic of the horror gaming genre. So go ahead and plop down the money. Or not, because Carcosa awaits, either way.

So, you might as well plop the money anyway.

Ooh. They got Rachel Kahn to illustrate the Yellow King RPG.

I just noticed that.  Rachel Kahn is, of course, the artist behind By Crom!, whose “Then you must go and GET some” print would be up on my wall if there were any prints available for sale.  In fact… oh, excellent: it is.

Anyway, she’s doing some of the art for the Yellow King RPG, and she certainly deserves the work, so check it out.  …Some more, I guess.  Sorry. I’ve been reading through the pre-release files, and this is really going to be something special in terms of a multi-layered RPG campaign. Also, I’ve been playing Secret World Legends all day, and my brain is kind of fried. So everything is awesome and cool and that sort of thing, savvy?

Yeah, calling it a night here.

I’m pretty deep into the first-draft stuff of the Yellow King RPG.  I might want to actually run a game in the faux-modern game world. Possibly using elements from GURPS Madness DossierI think that combining Carcosa with the reality wars concept might prove to be, and God help me for saying this, synergistic. If you don’t have Madness Dossier, by the way, you should definitely do something about that.  It’s chock-full of brain-hacking, neurolinguistic goodness.