Ban Neo-Nazi speech? Why that, and not pro-Commie speech?

The problem with this Daily Beast article is pretty much that: if you’re going to limit the speech freedoms of one set of murderous totalitarian regime-groupies, you should limit the speech freedoms of the other set of murderous totalitarian regime-groupies. Frankly, from the point of view of their victims… Communists are just Nazis with worse fashion sense.

Needless to say, the author of said Daily Beast piece would scratch his head at the above. So it goes.

Democratic Detroit City Council President’s security squad pushes around reporter. On tape.


Two Detroit police officers shoved aside a TV reporter with Fox/WJBK Channel 2 who was trying to interview a city councilman on Tuesday night.

M.L. Elrick was attempting to speak with City Council President Pro Tem George Cushingberry Jr. before a community meeting at a local church when the cops on the city security detail intervened and pushed the reporter against the wall.

Continue reading Democratic Detroit City Council President’s security squad pushes around reporter. On tape.

RS Interview: Rep. Tom Cotton (R CAND, Arkansas Senate).

Arkansas, of course, is prime pickup territory for the GOP these days: incumbent Democrat Mark Pryor is considered to be in serious trouble by… well, pretty much everybody and it’s just not a good cycle for Democrats in general. We talked to increasingly-likely Republican candidate Rep. Tom Cotton earlier today about the race, and what he plans to do to win it:

Rep. Cotton’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

PS: Technical note: several of my questions had to be re-recorded because of a rather spectacular post-interview technical glitch that I am still trying to figure out. Fortunately, none of Tom Cotton’s answers got garbled, which is pretty much the important thing anyway. Nobody’s here to listen to me.

Joe Biden doing his Clown Show routine during State of the Union.

So, yesterday there was an animated gif going around that showed Joe Biden being the most Joe Biden that Joe Biden could possibly be…

…but I told myself that it wasn’t real.

Nope. It’s real.

Continue reading Joe Biden doing his Clown Show routine during State of the Union.

Mark Begich desperately wants you to know that he loathes @BarackObama now. #obamacare

I included that hash-tag to remind you that Mark Begich, of course, is a brazen hypocrite.

While most Democrats have been quietly avoiding answering whether they would publicly campaign with President Obama, Alaska’s Mark Begich is forcefully rejecting the idea. “I don’t need him campaigning for me — I need him to change some of his policies,” the Alaska senator told CNN following the State of the Union address.

Funny thing about that: if Mark Begich had shown some moral courage on Obamacare, we wouldn’t be watching cancer patients lose their doctors because of Obama’s – and Begich’s – signature legislation. I bring this up not to engender a sense of shame in Mark Begich, but to engender a milder one in those Alaskans who made the regrettable mistake of voting for the man in 2008.  Thankfully, some mistakes can be rectified.

Moe Lane