Fox reporter embarrasses Think Progress dolt at CPAC.

If you are not reading this on a computer that can show you YouTube videos, GO TO A COMPUTER THAT CAN SHOW YOU YOUTUBE VIDEOS. Lakeshore Laments described this video as “Fox News reporter [Jesse Watters] messing with the Think Progress clown” (at CPAC), which is accurate, but not nearly an epic enough description.  Which is not Lakeshore Laments’ fault: some things needs to be seen to be believed, and Watters giving an impromptu explanation of how to do a video ambush while never breaking stride is one of them.

Continue reading Fox reporter embarrasses Think Progress dolt at CPAC.

CPAC 2011: Al Cardenas.

He’s the new head of the ACU, and we had a bit of a general talk on that, and CPAC. Al Cardenas has a pretty compelling story: it constantly amazes me why Communist dictatorships were so determined to keep sending us top-shelf immigrants. Oh, right: it’s because Marxism is intellectualism for stupid people. Continue reading CPAC 2011: Al Cardenas.

CPAC 2011: Allen West (R, FL-22).

I may have gloated a little over the “Congressman” bit: but then, FL-22 was one of the ten or so that most of us really, really, really wanted to get last November. Pleasant to have gotten this one, then.

Rep. West did a blogger availability and the CPAC keynote speech shortly afterward; you can see part of the first and the whole of the second here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

CPAC 2011: Peter Roskam (R, IL-06).

He’s the Chief Deputy Whip, and we talked a bit about the budget, budget cuts, and why they’re not ripping off the bandage in one go.

Also, a bit on the REINS Act, which (if passed) would effectively give Congress veto power over any federal regulations that would cost more than $100 million a year. This is, of course, an idea that the Left absolutely hates: which would make it appealing in and of itself; but watching Democratic house organs suddenly embrace the unitary executive principle in response to even the threat of the legislature reasserting its power is even more entertaining…

Moe Lane (crosspost)