The Moe Lane Halloween Chapbook sale ends tomorrow!

So now is the time to pick up all four of my chapbooks (ANAGNORISIS, REVISIONARY, DECISIONS, and DUTIES) while they’re still on 99 cent sale! Four stories (a mix of spooky, horror, and fantasy) in each book (32K words total per book, more or less), each with its own illustration. Sale ends Saturday! Pick them up now, tomorrow, whenever, as long as you pick them up!


The Moe Lane Halloween Chapbook sale continues!

Reminder: all four of my chapbooks (ANAGNORISIS, REVISIONARY, DECISIONS, and DUTIES)- will be on 99 cent sale for the rest of the week. There are four stories (a mix of spooky, horror, and fantasy) in each book (32K words total per book, more or less), each with its own illustration. Ideal for people looking for quick reads. And cheap, too! What’s not to like?


The Early Halloween Moe Lane Chapbook Sale has begun!

All four of my chapbooks – ANAGNORISIS, REVISIONARY, DECISIONS, and DUTIES – are now on 99 cent sale! Each book has four stories, approximately 32K words total, each with an illustration drawn for the story itself. If you’re looking for quick, illustrated spooky, horror, and fantasy stories, and a bargain price, you’re in so much luck!

Sale ends in a week.


Special Halloween Chapbook sale, starting tomorrow!

For one week starting Saturday, all four of my chapbooks – ANAGNORISIS, REVISIONARY, DECISIONS, and DUTIES – will be on 99 cent sale! Now is the time to pick up quick, illustrated spooky, horror, and fantasy stories! (Each book has four stories, approximately 32K words total, each with an illustration drawn for the story itself). Now is the time to buy!

…Well, tomorrow is the time to buy. But you know what I mean.


DUTIES is now available in Kindle, KU, and print!

DUTIES is my latest illustrated chapbook:

Four tales of obligations! Four stories, each with its own illustration! And each with its own hero! There’s the killer robot of MEATBAGS, who cannot wait to tell you what he thinks about humanity. Then there’s the clever cleric of THE FIGHT IN THE GROVE, fighting to save the forest from corruption and blight! Joining them is the weary wisecracker of PROCESSING DUTY, buried deep in the darkest shadow of the Cold War. Lastly is MOTHER’S LITTLE HELPER, and his machinations in a funhouse mirror of two centuries. Read this cross-genre romp today! (Four stories, each with its own illustration, thirty-two thousand words total.)

And with any luck, I’ll have copies in time for Fright Reads. Slowly but surely, I develop a catalog…


A couple days left on DUTIES preorders and the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION super-sale.

Also: it looks like I might have copies of DUTIES available at Fright Reads! Which will be nice, if it happens. Obviously, I’ll have TINSEL RAIN there, too. Still trying to decide if I’m going to offer any particular sales there. After all, I’m pricing my books pretty cheaply now…

In the Mail: The Author’s Proof of DUTIES.

Faster than I expected, honestly. Fast enough that I’m wondering if I can have DUTIES ready for Fright Reads after all. It’d be tight, but depending on when I have this book published…


TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION will be on Kindle super-sale tomorrow!

But you’re welcome to buy it now.

TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION: “Set in the same world as FROZEN DREAMS, this sprawling anthology stretches over 900 years of future post-apocalyptic fantasy history! There are ten stories, including several never before published; and, for fans of FROZEN DREAMS, there’s a new novelette starring Tom Vargas.”

Moe Lane

Continue reading TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION will be on Kindle super-sale tomorrow!