In which I turn David Hasselhoff into a teachable moment.

So I get this video sent to me by Matt of Hawk’s Plateau.

Yes, I’m sorry.

Anyway, the thing about this video is, it can be a gateway. A gateway to all sorts of Deep Hurting for not only your regular readers, but for all the poor bastards who might stumble upon it six months or a year from now via an unwary search. Admittedly, it does a great job all on its own, but really: it could do so much more. Continue reading In which I turn David Hasselhoff into a teachable moment.

‘Mayor quits job for gay illegal immigrant he loves.’


As God is my witness, that’s the title of the article (Via The Sundries Shack, via RS McCain). After you’re done laughing, though, note why he quit before taking the oath of office: “[Former Mayor] Lown told the Standard-Times he chose not to take the oath of office while “aiding and assisting” a person who was illegally in the country.” That’s why he’s currently in Mexico; Lown’s trying to get a new visa for his partner, and won’t come back until then.

Assuming that the article is correct, you have to admit that this shows some basic respect for the concept of secure borders.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Joe Biden, International Gun-Runner.

(I turned this into a caption contest, over at RedState.)

Yes, I know: as Lord of War kept pointing out, the top five arms dealers in the world all have permanent seats on the UN Security Council. And I don’t mind selling arms to the Lebanese government, assuming that they don’t end up firing them off at Israel and/or Turkey. I don’t even mind doing so as part of, as Andrew Malcolm rather sardonically notes, a rather heavy-handed hint that it might be best if the freely-expressed electoral will of the Lebanese people freely expresses itself as not liking Hezbollah quite so much this time around. But…

Did you have to send Biden, Mr. President? I mean, there were high explosives around; don’t you think that was a little, you know, unsafe?

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

John Scalzi interviews a stick of butter.

I’d say that John Scalzi* clearly does not feel like blogging anything substantial on a lazy Friday afternoon, except that he wrote this last Friday at 7:23 AM.  So I guess that I’m just the one feeling unsubstantial right now.

Via Glenn Reynolds, who apparently is suffering from the same condition.

Moe Lane

PS: Ha!  I’ve already been outside today.  Took the boy to the park.  There were ducks.  They went ‘quack.’  Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Lecture-The-Blogger-About-Fresh-Air.

*Old Man’s War? Good stuff. Read it.

This being a lazy Friday afternoon…

Odd reason why I like this song:

Lola, The Kinks

It was because Nick from the sitcom Family Ties wanted that song for his and Mallory’s elopement. I can’t reliably remember my wife’s birthday without sneaking a look at her driver’s license, but I somehow remember that.

And, of course, once I heard this: Continue reading This being a lazy Friday afternoon…

USNA: Ceremonial swords on the prohibited list since after 9/11.

If you saw this story about how midshipmen’s ceremonial swords were on the prohibited list for graduation ceremonies, you were probably not pleased about it.  Neither was I – but I checked with the Public Affairs office for the Naval Academy, and they informed me that this policy was put into place in response to 9/11.  It is, bluntly, a stupid policy – if our midshipmen cannot be trusted to not assassinate the President, we’re in much worse trouble than we thought – but it’s also not the administration’s fault.

I encourage President Obama to change this policy and give his officers their swords back.  We are citizens of a Republic, after all – they are not subjects, and he is not a king.

Crossposted to RedState.

Liz Cheney: no middle ground.

Another good bit from Liz Cheney:

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Allahpundit is a little surprised that Liz’s popularity with the base has risen so quickly; I’m not. For whatever reason, a full-throat defense of Bush’s decisions on how to fight the GWOT were few and far between during the Bush administration itself, and that grated with Republicans. It grated on me, in fact, and I take the position that Bush actually didn’t have much choice in the matter. So, when Liz showed up last month and casually obliterated Norah O’Donnell… water to thirsty soil, my droogies. Like water to thirsty soil.

I will note one thing, however: while it would have been nice to have this conversation during the last campaign, it wouldn’t have happened even if Cheney had somehow been running for President. Based on the actual campaign and extrapolating, the Democrats would have instead run on a platform that equally highlighted Cheney’s age, his aim, and his lesbian daughter.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.