Andrew Breitbart needs to take his BDS metastasis article…

(via Dana Loesch) …all the way to its logical conclusion. I pretty much agree with the main point of Andrew’s article (‘George W. Bush-by-proxy syndrome‘):  with President Bush’s leaving the public stage, the people that have spent the last eight years irrationally hating and fearing the man have had to cast their nets wider and wider to find a suitable replacement for their urges.  But where he’s wrong is that there’s actually one individual left with which to draw BDS sufferers ire, and in some ways he’s the best choice of all: President Barack Obama. Continue reading Andrew Breitbart needs to take his BDS metastasis article…

District 9? …Worth watching.

I had flip-flopped on seeing it, but enough people commented on it favorably for me to give it a shot.

My general impression?  No Star Trek, but worth seeing in theaters.  Shaky-cam doesn’t particularly bug me, but I don’t think that it was used all that much; and any deeper political message could be safely ignored as being probably about South Africa anyway.  With those two potential deal-breakers out of the way, what was left was a decent flick about alien refugees where we didn’t have to deal with the Numinous Other.  The aliens were alien, and not all that nice; humans, not very nice either; and the lead was basically a schmuck who had to be dragged from being a mere protagonist to hero status.

Matinee it if you’re on a budget, but it’s worth seeing in theaters.

Unintentional irony alert.

Jane Smiley spends most of a post complaining about how the Democrats have done the political equivalent of first stealing money out of her post, then slapping her around when she caught them at it. Then Ms. Smiley declares that it’s Republicans who are the spouse abusers, all along*. And then Ms. Smiley announces that she’s going to give the Democrats one more chance.

You know, in writing this I went all the way from amused scorn to feeling vaguely depressed about the whole thing. Apparently I’m just too soft-hearted for my own good.

Moe Lane Continue reading Unintentional irony alert.

Blond, Purple-Bikini Girl shot first.

Via Vodkapundit, girls in bikinis reading from Star Wars Trilogy . Interestingly, this video had my wife in hysterics, if you define ‘hysterics’ as ‘openly laughed a couple of times.’

I suspect that at least one of the bikini-clad readers has actually watched the trilogy about twenty times. Secret geekdom is one of the tragedies of our time.

Moe Lane

It is not the greatest video ever, by the way: there’s no bacon involved. QED.

Trailer: Legion.

I got tipped off to this by a fellow In Nomine enthusiast:

For those who speak In Nomine, it’s a Low-Contrast, Low-Brightness Backwards heresy where Gabriel is a blackwing and Michael’s Outcast. If none of that made any sense to you: angels with Old Testament attitudes and automatic weapons liberally apply both to the landscape.

Yes, of course I’m going to go watch that.  I may even get a group together.

Meanwhile, back in Honduras…

…Zelayista terrorists attacked a newspaper critical of the ousted, would-be dictator.


Firebombs hurled at Honduran newspaper office

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — A Honduran editor says assailants threw molotov cocktails at the offices of his newspaper, setting fire to the entrance.


The attack early Saturday was the sixth against media outlets and other institutions critical of Zelaya.

Besides Fausta, see also La Gringa’s Blogicito for more Honduran updates.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to Moe Lane.

Robert Gibbs: Umm, actually there hasn’t been an increase in death threats.

(Via Instapundit) A surprisingly clear statement, given the source. Perhaps he’s been yelled at?

There has been no increase in the number of security threats to President Barack Obama despite the contentious town hall meetings taking place around the country, according to the White House.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs also said Friday there has been no change in the security precautions.

“We haven’t viewed any increase in threats, and there’s been no change in any of that,” Gibbs said.

Or perhaps it’s just that the administration just realizes that while it may be in the best interests of Mark Potok and the SPLC to push their political fetish porn about how there’s a scary right-wing mob out there THAT COULD SNAP AT ANY MINUTE! – it’s not really in the best interests of the administration itself, to say nothing of the country. Particularly with the administration’s popularity currently hovering around 47%.  Turns out calling people names makes them less likely to love you.

Who knew?

Moe Lane

See also Trogdopundit, Sweetness & Light, & The Smallest Minority for more justified scorn.

Crossposted to RedState.